Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Toys...

So, I've made some new toys! I'd like to test them out. But my chances as far as personally testing them goes, are pretty slim. I'm thinking about sending some via Greyhound to Padme and Anakin, but I'm thinking if some readers are willing, I'd like to send some to get feedback from others too! You get to keep the toys, all I ask, is to have a few before and after pics emailed to me to go on the Blog. And if you're up to it, I'd REALLY like to see a video of them in use, but if that's not possible, its not mandatory or anything. Any takers?

All the black ones are made from various thicknesses of firm rubber, and the wooden "bathbrush" is a modified cleaning brush we use on our trucks. Its about two feet long in total, and I've removed the bristles.



  1. I'd love any toys you'd like to send us, J. We use your other toys all the time and have made good use of them. You can post any pictures on your blog of the toys being used and I'm sure a video might be able to be arranged just for you too. ;)

    Maybe one day we'll meet and you can use a few toys out on me personally. That's my greatest wish. *smiles*

  2. My goodness, you have been VERY busy! You are so creative, too!! I'd offer to try one, but I'm not certain how much longer Candyman's going to be around here, so I may be losing my well-spanked girl status. Can't wait to hear other people's reviews and thoughts and see their pics, though. Celine

  3. Wow, those are impressive. I bet they'd be tons of fun to play with. :)
