Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mmmm vanilla corruption goodness...

So, I have been super dee duper busy lately, but I have some spanky news! I recently reconnected with an old friend from high school, and we've really hit it off! I totally opened up to her about my interest in domestic discipline, and....she expressed a strong intrest in it after I described it to her! So, she is considering setting up some personal goals and wants to be held accountable by me if she misses them! Ooooo de lally!

Well, I'll try and keep you updated!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Uh oh...

She hasn't read it yet, but the first twitter post I saw after mine was a link here:

Suddenly I remembered a quote from Star Wars
Luke: "I'm not afraid!" Yoda: "Oh, you will be. You will be."


A picture tells a thousand words *actual pictures not included*

So, I've been neglecting the spanking/kink side of myself lately. This has a direct impact on the content of my Blog. Seriously, when was the last time I blogged about spanking or kink? *hangs head in shame*

To make it up to you, I'm gonna post some pictures. Honestly, what I'd like to do, is go meet with little b and have her give ME a spanking and take some shots of me over her knee, or in the corner. I don't feel the bottomy urge very often, but I think some discipline is exactly what the doctor ordered. I'm not really sure how to broach the subject with her, I think if I asked nice she'd be more than willing, she definitely has a strong sadistic side! And normally I would just ask her to beat me a little, but we've not had the chance to chat lately, so I don't want to make her feel obligated, or impose, or whatever, etc... She reads here from time to time, so I'm sure I'll be getting a message from her in one form or Actually, lil b's sadistic side can be scary sometimes! She really shows her enjoyment when she's administering ouchies, and it can be a little........nerve wracking!

OH YA! I totally got an update about my friend who came out as spanko to her vanilla BF! <--

Things are going swimmingly, apparently he's taken to spanking like a duck to water! Lmao! I could almost see her squirm in her seat as I read her message! :D I told her I'd love the chance to chat with him about corner time and mouth soaping.....her reply?

"Well he is busy enough keeping track of all my smart ass comments and such. And no he does not need to learn about that other stuff. Lol"

Sounds to me like that's exactly what he needs to learn about! ;)

So, if little b agrees, I'll give you some pics, and even if she doesn't, maybe, if you're well behaved girls and boys, I'll post some......."revealing" pictures if you'd like. Random penis pics? Sure! Nude shots? If you'd like! I'm in an exhibitionsty mood, so take advantage and make a request!

Well, ttyl folks!



Good morning! Welcome to the patch. Its 3:30am here. I was up at 2:30, got my, and headed off to work.

I is smart. Last night, when I left the shop, I set my "Webasto Heater" to come on at 3am (webasto heater - diesel burning engine heater with a timer) and my truck is already nice and warm. I will be heading out to location at around 5, and I may have an early day again! *beams*

Awwww! Crap! *head desk* I forgot rule #1 of the oil patch. "NEVER anticipate a positive outcome out loud. It will always jinx you and the negative outcome will happen." dangit now its gonna be a long day.



Monday, November 29, 2010

Looks like SOMEBODY'S got a case of the MONDAYS!

Well, after a short stint in camp, on the 24th of Nov I got a call from family to head home. After a few years of progressively failing health, my grandmother passed away at the age of 85. Of course we were all saddened to hear the news, but its been a long time coming, and we had prepared ourselves for the inevitable. Her passing means I have only one grandparent left, and his health is not that good either. Its odd, situations like this, rather than make me sad, tend to push me toward contemplating my own mortality, along with making me think and apriciate the experiences of someone who's lived for that long. My grandmother was born on a Saskatchewan farm in 1925. This means she lived through things I cannot even begin to imagine! She would have been 4 years old at the beginning of the great depression. At the age of 11 the first television broadcast began and at 13 was the first color TV broadcast. At 14 she'd have seen the start of WWII. At 25 the Korean war broke out and at 29 she'd have seen the start of the Vietnam war. She was 36 when the Berlin Wall was built, and the soviets launched the first man into space. At 38 she'd have seen the assassination of JFK. At 39 Civil Rights Act passed in the U.S, and Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison. At 43 Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. At 44 Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, at 45 computer floppy discs were created, and at 47 the Watergate scandal happened. At 52 Elvis died and Star Wars debuts! At 53 John Paul became pope, and finally at 54, the year I was born, 1980, she experienced the eruption of Mount St. Helens and the assassination of John Lennon.

It makes me wonder, what incredible world events are in store for me. At my age, when she was 30, James Dean died and Disneyland opened.

Well, I guess I should get to work now, I hope to talk to you all again soon!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blech. Srsly.

gah. It snowed yesterday. Actually, the term "snowed" is a little bit of an understatement. On Monday, it was a beautiful fall evening. I actually saw green grass on my way home from work. Srsly. Then I woke up on Tuesday morning, and it was like old man winter took a great big Shit all over the place. It truly is as disgusting as it sounds. My job on Tuesday was shut down, more so to let everyone else realize they needed to change their driving style from amateur nascar driver to grandma. I think they said on the radio that there was over 200 accidents in the city of Calgary alone. Happens every winter. And to those of you that actually LIKE this shite, I'm looking at you lil b....ya'll should be locked up.

Woke up this morning with the perfect side dish to surprise winter, yup, the flu. Life, she ees grand, non?

Just now, the pumper on location shat the bed, so we had to rig it out, they're sending another one out from Drumheller to finish the job. So much for early days when I'm sick. *eye roll*

I heard from my spanko friend who came clean to her very vanilla bf, about her need for domestic discipline. Baby steps. Lol. He doesn't own a computer (wtf? Right? Dark ages much?) so that may be why, when it comes to kink, he's so sheltered... But anyway, he slapped her butt while they know.......doing it. And he even called her a "naughty girl!" How cool is that? Perhaps he has the Domly gene, and just hasn't had the opportunity to explore it? Either that or its just a known fact that whilest swatting a young lady's bared bottom, the appropriate thing to say is "you've been a naughty girl," and its instinctive to do so for vanilla and spanko alike....hmmmm a spanking instinct....interesting....thoughts?

Well. Back to the grindstone. Ttyl folks!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Errrr, ummm, *blush*

Hey kiddies! So I had a pretty interesting conversation with a spanko/DD friend of mine. I couldn't help but giggle at the thought of something she had to do recently. Well, she's been seeking a partner in the spanking scene for a long time now, with varied success. Recently, she started a new job, and a guy there, a vanilla guy, took an interest in her. So, with some soul searching, she decided to take a shot and they started dating. Things were going splendidly, however, she had to keep her spanko tendencies on the down low, until she was comfortable with him enough to reveal that side of her. She dropped a few hints here and there over the next few months, and she even ended up going to a spanking gathering, and told him. He was a little taken aback, but he misunderstood. She is a bottom. He assumed she was going to be spanking him... Lol, rather amusing. But, nothing really came of it. She cleared up the misunderstanding, and he dropped the subject. Now, everything came to a head yesterday, when she made the decision that she had to have discipline in her life, and she was going to let him know everything. *gulp*

Now, I haven't heard what the outcome was, yet, but she decided last night, they were going to be having an open and honest discussion about her particular needs. This situation made me giggle a bit. I told her I could see how it would play out. Her = GF Him = BF.

"hey, um BF, can I talk to you about something?" of course GF! What do you need? "wellllllllll, remember that, um, gathering I went to, um, a few weeks ago?" which one? The work meeting? "errr no, the, uh, spanking one.....*blush*" Ohhhh, right......yea....what about it? "welllllll, ahem.....I, ummm, wanted to talk to you, you know, about, well what I mean to say is, errrr......well I, spanking... *blush even more*" ohhhhhkaaaay... Like you want me to, like, *blush*, spank your butt when we, you know......have sex? "*cough* exactly....." *eyebrow raise* well, what DID you mean? "*palms sweating profusely now* well, there's this community, that I'm sort of part of, and we like, well not LIKE like, but we need, like, to have structure and, uh discipline, and, well there's a website...well there's actually lots of websites, and ummm you know how when you were a kid, and you did something bad, and you know....a spanking?" yeaaaah... "well, I, well not JUST I, er, me, there's lots of us, and its not like whips and chains, you know, *wants floor to open up and swallow her*, its like, when I need, like help with things, errr well more like when I've done something wrong....well I find if, *Gulp* someone punishes me for it, I learn know?".........

This is kind of how I pictured the start of this conversation going. Lmao! I couldn't help but giggle profusely. I think we need one of those pamphlets, like they have in junior high school guidance counselor offices about STD's and teen pregnancy, for spankos coming out to vanilla folk. It would have a picture of a hairbrush on it, and in big purple letters it would say "So you're partner likes spanking..." inside the pamphlet it would explain the whole thing, in an easy to understand way, describing every nuance about the lifestyle and a little description on how to go about incorporating it into your life. Lol, maybe even little diagrams on positions and techniques.....

Lol. Well, as I try to date only kink friendly people, I haven't had to try and explain domestic discipline to a significant other. What about you? Any experiences in trying to explain your kinks to vanilla folk?

Lemee know!


Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hidey ho neighborinos! Well, I actually got off at a relatively decent hour yesterday, and after having a great conversation with a close friend, I headed over to Superstore to check out some implements she mentioned for a discount price! She told me about a few bath brushes she picked up on sale. I found the ones she got and unfortunately they weren't on sale. She got em for $2.99 each! They we're $8, and particularly wicked looking... But all was not lost. I poked around, and ended up discovering there were some different ones on for $4 a piece, so I grabbed a couple, and a hairbrush I've been looking for. My purchase was only $18 and I got 3 new toys! Woot! The two bath brushes look like they were specifically designed to discipline a young lady, and I wonder about the short handled one, I don't think you could even use it as a bath brush, because you couldn't reach anywhere with it! But, as a spanking implement, its just perfect! I'm actually pretty excited to try em out!

Well, that's all for now, Ta Ta!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

That which does not kill me, is only an epic pain in the ass.

All work and no play makes Jesse a dull boy. Also, makes him edgier and more easily sexually excited than a 17 year old boy in an all girls gym class....

*pout* I haven't even SEEN a good beating in ages. Let alone actually participate in one. I know I know, its my own damned fault. Its actually kind of funny sometimes. Even the innuendo of spanking or kink sends my mind off on some elaborate kink-themed, sexual daydream tangent. Srsly. Its getting rather frustrating, but at least I know the sexual arousal centers of my brain still work.

I was leafing through the news paper at work yesterday, and happened across a flyer for Zellers. Randomly flipping through it, while sitting at the shop, waiting for my turn to get into one of the service bays, when I flipped to a page saying something like some of their bath and beauty products were on sale. Lo and behold a picture of a particularly innocent looking bath brush. *snap* mind races, cock hard, uncomfortably adjusting my quickly tenting coveralls, the scene unfolded in my mind. Straight backed chair, panties lowered to knee height, snap of the bath brush on tender, unprotected skin, corner time, it hot in here? Desperately wanting to free the growing problem in my pants. Readjust, but take a little longer in doing so, letting my grip linger on that over sensitive and under stimulated part of my body....

*BANG BANG* a knock on my truck door. "hey, Jess, you can roll into the bay now." You know you're in a bad spot when a Zellers flyer can nearly bring you to orgasm.



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
      Between the crosses, row on row,
   That mark our place; and in the sky
   The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
   Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
         In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
   The torch; be yours to hold it high.
   If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
         In Flanders fields.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Work. Bane of my existence.

Dear Work,

You made me miss my Blogiversary. Please feel free to fuck off now.



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Blogiversary eve

Well tomorrow, I will have been a blogger for exactly 1 year! It feels so much longer than that, I've learned so much, met so many fantastic people, and I think I've had more person to person kink contact in this one year, than any other year of my life. I'd like to thank every single one of my readers. I know I don't get to post as often as I'd like, and you have no idea how much I apriciate those who comment, and Lurkers alike. Briar, Padme, Celine, Hermione, and Bonnie, my blogging experience would have been a much shorter one, had it not been for your continued support. Thank you for showing me how fun it can be to write, and also, I consider you all friends. I hope, the next year is as fun as this one has been, and I hope I get to make even more incredible friends like you! For tomorrow, I WILL be posting again, and I want to know, what would you like to see here? Anything at all! Pictures? A story? Let me know!

Hugs everyone!


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Well, I'm back. I don't want to stop, but should I stop apologizing for extended absences here? I feel like I'm starting every post saying I'm sorry for not posting often enough. Feedback pls....

Well, I've been chatting with a new friend as of late. I'll call her......."t", and she's very new. Not new as far as interest goes, she's been exploring her "kinkyness" since she was a teen (younger if you count the stuff we all did, like looking up the word spanking in the dictionary and getting that "funny feeling" down there.) But, she's just begun to explore in the "real world." She explained that she's been exploring the net for it for a long time, and chatting on the phone, but not much as far as real life play and discovery goes. Its really kind of odd, but very cool and interesting hearing about her likes and dislikes. Lol, she still has that sense of naiveté and unnecessary shame, regarding her feelings. Its tough, but I'm trying to have her open up to me, and share her feelings, but I really do remember that feeling of nervous worry that your confidant will find your particular kink to be odd, or funny, or they'll ridicule you for being into it. :( I still get that worry every once in a while, I wonder if it really truly goes away.... She's FINALLY (after much goading and pleading) confessed her strong interest in age play and AB/DL to me. SO COOL! I've discussed this with people online, but never had the glorious opportunity to play and discuss person to person. Its really quite a turn on, and the fact that I find age play and spanking to be such a strong interest, its not really all that surprising that I like this too. I've seen a few pics on Fet of "littles" and they've always given me that wonderful tingle when I see em. I'm very excited to explore this further!

I met with t yesterday afternoon briefly, and I brought her a soother. If she gives me permission, I'll totally post a pic of her with it, its so adorable! :D but, this is one of those times where her anonymity is my primary desire, so no pics till permission. *nods*

Well, off to work. Talk to you all later!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

HUR-AY HUR-AY HUR-AY! Step right up! Thrills! Chills! Amazing prizes!

Heya readers! First thank you to B-Man for the follow good sir! I'm super glad I can still bring in readers, even though I tend to horribly neglect my Blog from time to time....

Aaaanyway.... I have an idea. I'm getting the itch again to make some toys..... But I feel like I the toys I do make tend to collect dust when I keep them for myself... So, to remedy this, I want to send some new creations to readers! Yup, I'm gonna be the "Ellen" of spanking bloggers! Except for the being a lesbian, dancing, and fame parts... Anyway, I'd really like some suggestions on what kind of task or contest I should start, to give away toys! And, what kind of toys you'd like to win! Lexan rod? Wooden paddle? Leather strap or tawse? Rubber strap? I can haz feedback nao plz? Okthxbai!

Hugs ya'll!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Welcome back, To that same old place that you laughed about."

Well hello everyone!!!!!!

Long time no see! I've been neglecting this little Blog. If I had someone to answer to, I'd most definitely accept the over the knee bare bottomed spanking I surely deserve. I miss you all! :(

I cannot believe how freaking busy I've been! Usually, I'll end up putting in a few shop days here and there. Today is my first one since Sept! Holy crap! I have noticed that I'm not the only one not blogging regularly tho....*looks at Celine* ;)

You cannot possibly imagine the messed up sleep schedule I've been having! Up at 2:30am and 14 hour days. I'd get to work around 3am and drive to location to be there by 6. I'd do the job, drive to the plant, wait in line for about an hour, load, drive to the shop, do my post trip, and usually be home around 5:30PM. I'd be asleep by around 7 or 8. Its funny, on Saturday and Sunday mornings, I'm usually driving to work while people are leaving the bars.

So.... What's new? How is everyone? Did I lose readers? *sobs* I hope not..... I'm still here!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Monday is a really shity way to spend 1/7th of your life."

Well! Long time no see peeps! I spent some time in camp this week, then, as a blessing, I got Monday and Tuesday off! Can you believe it? It was like a weekend! However, even though today is Wednesday, its my Monday. *grumble grumble* I gotta say, there really hasn't been much activity in the 'ol blogosphere.... Where is everyone?

I've been suffering people. I have been having a pretty sad excuse for a kinklife. I haven't given a spanking or beating of any kind in WAY too long. I've got the kink withdrawl shakes..... :(

Living vicariously through other people's kinklife has been discovered to be a unsatisfying way to live. I gotta get me some spanky goodness! Any takers? Lol

Soooo.....what's new? What's up in the kink world? Any exciting developments?



Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experience.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well hello again, lovely readers! I've been spending an awful lot of time reading all the amazing stories over at there are some VERY incredible mental images portrayed there in some of the stories.

It got me to thinking about my own experiences as a Dom, and as much as I feel like I am "experienced", there are a lot of things I've never tried. As far as this particular post goes, I'm gonna stick to implements.

So, first a list of items that I HAVE used and some that I really like in particular.

My very fave implement, to begin the list, is the dreaded wooden spoon. This, in my opinion, is nearly the perfect implement. Reasons? Well, first of all it stings. Lol, the right wooden spoon can invoke that bottom shaking panic at the realization of how much something so innocuous can cause so much bloody sting! Its got that Top friendly wielding factor, as its easy to use, without much effort being put in can still reap fantastic bottom squirming results. Its an implement that can be found in nearly every home in Canada, they're cheap, easy to find, and readily available. And yet, you'd think with the sting the right one can create, they'd be impossible to find. Love 'em!

Other wooden toys I've used - hairbrushes, bathbrushes, wooden dowels, paddles etc. All wonderful.

Leather - belts, straps, tawses, paddles, etc.. I know some people prefer leather because its got that more building burn as opposed to the stinginess that wood provides.

Other - lexan rods, rubber paddles and straps, thin metal snappy sticks (pull back and let go for a snappy red mark, great for creating artwork!) all yummy and fun.

Now some of the things I wanna try that I've never had the chance to....

Wood - Birch rods, switches, rattan canes, etc.. All very European, and with the many wooded areas I live near, you'd think birches and switches would be used way more often!

Other - Marionette(what are these?) lexan paddles, whips, single-tails, floggers(I have used one flogger, but only once)....

How about you, readers? What's your fave? No choosing the "hand" we all like it! Its a cop out answer! What are some you've never tried that you'd like to?

Looking forward to your responses peeps!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Stories and the power of the written word.

Another early morning, I'm starting to feel the weight of lack of sleep. *YAWN* I'm thinking that if I had to answer to someone, I'd probably never sit sleepiness is partly my fault, when I get home, before I go to sleep, I usually read to wind down. But lately, I've been spending just a little too much time reading when I should be snoring.

The main reason is, the bloody writers over at They're absolutely incredible! I've been following the "Lizzy Baines" series, but they're coming a little far apart, so I had a peek around the site and discovered the "Angela" series. Srsly you guys, I am starting to think I may have some kind of compulsive masturbation disorder. Those stories are absolutely amazing. I can't help but get all dreamy at the thought of getting to be in a situation like "David." Mmmmm

I'm wondering, what medium does it for you? I'm partial to movies, and pics are good, but they don't seem to stimulate the way a well written story can. The right writer draws me in, and I just get lost in the spanking fantasy dream land.

One of the very first places I remember exploring on the web, when I was just a young guy trying to make sense of my spanko desires was "Laura's Spanking Corner" I'm not sure if its even still around, but I gotta say, as a teen, living at my parents house, I spent many a sneaky night, on our old ass Pentium 120, impatiently waiting for our 28.8 dial up modem to load up pages there....

Lol, now that I've effectively dated myself, what do you all remember about discovering spanking? I remember being even younger, before the birth of the internet, and discovering a stash of my dad's naughty magazines. Now, this was a gold mine for any 13 year old boy, first discovering his sexuality. But one pictorial in particular stands out. It was "Club International Magazine" I believe, and the pictorial wasn't anything too out of the ordinary, except for one small thing. There was a spanking part. The pictorial showed a muscular male farm hand working in a barn, and after a day of riding, a buxom brunette lady enters the scene, still sporting her equestrian gear. She was quite rude to the farm hand, and after one particular comment, he decides he's had enough. Her backside is quickly bared, with much protest, and he proceeds to swat her bare bottom with his hand, then her riding crop. Needless to say, after a short time, the young lady is feeling quite sorry, and she makes it up to him by first pulling his cock from his pants and using her mouth to express her apology. Soon after they fuck, and the last part of the story implies that should she get out of line again, he'll not hesitate to repeat the lesson.

I have to say, I must have jerked off to those 7 or 8 pages, over a hundred times. As I got older I discovered small passages in books, and my realization of my interest in spanking was fully realized with the birth of the internet. Any particularly strong memories from your past that you'd like to share?

Tata for now!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Time is most certainly NOT on my side... *bawls* I guess I kinda saw it comin tho....

Sigh. Yup, you heard right...*HEAVY SIGH* if you have a look, you'll notice something missing from my Blog profile. I made the difficult decision today, that I'd pull the wool that was firmly entrenched over my eyes, off, and accept the fact that I just don't have the luxury of enough extra time to keep 2 blogs up and healthy. So, unfortunately I had down.....* WAILS* Wahhhhhh! St. Mary's Academy. She had a short life, and she didn't get the attention she so deserved....sigh....oh goes on.
*Hammers the final nail in St. Mary's Academy's coffin, tosses a tombstone down, and grieves for a couple minutes.....*

Ok! All better now! As we wander away from the graveyard of dead blogs, I wonder, did I do the right thing peeps? Should I have passed her on to someone instead of puttin 'er out of her misery? Hmmm... Oh well!

I'm wondering if they call this long weekend "labor day long weekend" because a lot of us are still forced to, the industry I work in is one of those where there is no such thing as "the weekend." And this time of year is always full of anticipation, and preparation. Winter is the "busy season" in the oil patch, and all the oil companies, and service outfits are gearing up for a busy one. The last couple years have been a rough go. With the recession having its way with us, and the prices of oil and natural gas plummeting like a stone, the industry has been a place wrought with layoffs, and dismal predictions of the future. But, things seem to be FINALLY turning around. All the service companies are on a hiring spree, and the projections for this winter are positive, not fucking crazy rediculous as they were in years past, but at least looking up for the first time in over 2 years. As busy as I've been, things are gonna get even busier.

I'm so incredibly excited for the end of this weekend....why you ask? Well....padme and Master Anakin over at are going to busy as kinky little bees this weekend! You've seen the initial pics, of a bit of play time testing out the toys I sent. Well, there's more to come! And....a special little treat just for me! *Squee!* sorry folks, I can't share the video I'll be gettin, cause I'm hoping its gonna be a little longer, and also, its probably going to show some very intimate scenes....*drools*..... Padme and I have been chatting, and it would seem that we share a mutual crush on eachother! (yes, I'm finally willing to admit that I find her fucking sexy, and I fantasize about having my way with her!) Thank god for poly! Lol. Her Master, Mr. Lord Vader is a pretty freakin cool cat, and besides being a very mean and sadistic guy, is also a man after my own heart, as he finds it a turn on to know his little, well trained slave is being punished and used by other people. I've recently started to discover that I must have the poly gene as well, realizing that I get turned on at the thought of a person I'm playing with being used by someone else too...who woulda thunk?

Well, its time to head to work now, so, I'll catch ya'll on the flip side!


Saturday, September 4, 2010


Well! Can you believe it? Pictures of a sexy little subbie, being beaten and used with toys I made are gracing the pages of my Blog for the first time in a long time! I received them this morning from padme at after sending off a very naughty message to her...I will be getting more, and I plan to post any that are appropriate to share here!


"To array a man's will against his sickness is the supreme art of medicine.” - Henry Ward Beecher

So. I have a cold. :( I hate it. I tend to only get sick once or twice a year, and it would seem that now is #1. Thank god for DayQuill.

I want send a shout out to Celine over at again. Her latest anecdote had me in absolute stitches! Her tale(or tail lol) of a semi public yard stick paddling and being busted, is hysterical and also quite arousing! Also, she mentioned me too! *beams*

I'm finding it difficult to accept praise lately. I'm not sure if this is something new, or I've always had it, but it seems that kind words and compliments make me all blushy and modest. Maybe its some kind of confidence issue... Anyway, in the "blogosphere" I still see myself as pretty "noob" and being mentioned by incredible seasoned vets like Celine, or padme at make me feel amazing, but I'm wondering if its deserved. I know its something I shouldn't worry about, and I've spanked young ladies for self depreciation before, but I really do wonder sometimes, "am I worthy of praise?" hmmm, I wonder if this is something we all struggle with, or am I just a weirdo....

Well, I gotta cut this one short, off to work!


Friday, September 3, 2010

A box of surprises!

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Original Rump Shakers

You may find yourself wondering, "what does that title mean?" Well, unless you were a teen through the 90's, chances are you've never heard the song "No Diggity" by Blackstreet. I don't normally gravitate towards that style of music, being a big fan of punk rock, but that song, damn. Just grooves right the fuck out, know what I mean? Its totally one of those tunes you can listen to and have your own private strip show in your mind....*shakes head* anyway....

So I'm really, REALLY bored right now. I'm sitting on the road, waiting for the rest of the crew coming to this job to finish up where they are, and make their way here. So, I figured, "why not do up a post?" only problem is the lack of spanky goodness in my life right now. And, after reading Celine's last 2 posts over at, I gotta say I'm pretty jealous....sigh....

One thing I AM really excited for, is that when Master Anakin and padme get the package I've sent, they might send a couple pics for my Blog! Woot! Smut for my readers! Lol, not to mention maybe even a special treat, just for me! *beams* This is one of my favorite things to do, make crafty lil toys for my kinky friends.

Well, it sounds like the crew will be here soon, so I gotta sign off, hugs ya'll!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Howdy Neighbors! Long time no see!

Well well well! Lookee what the cat dragged in! Its been a loooooong while since I've checked in with all ya'll! I'm sure I'm sounding a bit like a broken record here, but again, I was stuck deep in the bush, no service. But I've returned to civilization, and I'm feeling outta the loop! What's everyone been up to?

Yesterday afternoon, I got home, and the first thing I did was finish up my package for padme and Master Anakin/Darth <---, and I'm hoping I'll be able to get to the greyhound station to send it off sometime this afternoon. The last package only took a day, and was very well received, so I'm hoping they'll like this one too! There's some pretty cool crafty toys included in this one, but no fancy cedar box, but there's one item in this package I'm particularly proud of. I needed padme's bra size in order to make it, and I'm really hoping she and Lord Vader are pleased and get a lot of use out of the contents. It made me so happy when they enjoyed the last package and I must say I consider them really good friends. Padme is one of my favorite bloggers, and I find her absolutely gorgeous. She's expressed a keen interest in playing with me someday, and I must admit the feeling is more than mutual. If I ever get the opportunity to get to their area again in the future, I get VERY excited at the prospect of playing with her and meeting them.

Work has kind of dropped me off the face of the earth and I haven't had the chance to chat with anyone here in a while either. So hopefully, now that I'm back, I'll get to hear some exciting stories!

Well, I guess I should get to work, looking forward to hearing from you all!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Cats were put into the world to disprove the dogma that all things were created to serve man." - Paul Gray

Ok folks. I'm a cat person. Dogs = meh. I don't know if I hate dogs, but, in my opinion anything that smells bad most of the time, and requires constant training and care, makes a pet much more of a nuisance, rather than a companion. Perhaps its because I was bitten, on the ass, as a kid by an over zealous German Shepard, perhaps its because I've lived with cats my whole life, but whatever the reason, cats are my pet of choice.

Now, I'm not sure how many of you are cat owners, but the personality nuances a cat expresses, are amazing. They are aloof creatures, when you want their attention, and they cannot be more irritating when you want to be left alone. But it is for these very reasons that we are fascinated by them.

Cat fact #1 - computer keyboards are comfortable places to sleep, and/or walk. This is especially true when "manservant" is using said computer.

Cat fact #2 - when "manservant" is walking somewhere, the best place to be is directly in his path at all times, this is especially true in stairs.

Car fact #3 - when leisurely relaxing on "manservant's" lap, it is perfectly acceptable to leap off at mach 5 million, with full claw traction deployment at the slightest noise.

Cat fact #4 - night time is too quiet. Loud meowing and wailing for no particular reason, is greatly apriciated by all residents.

Cat fact #5 - any time a can is being opened, it is always catfood. Your presence is required in the kitchen accompanied by noisy meowing and much fanfare. Even when the can is filled with something "manservant" does not believe to be catfood, it is your personal responsibility to make it known that all canned goods are, in fact, catfood.

Cat fact #6 - scratching enjoyment is directly proportional to the cost of whatever is being scratched.

Cat fact #7 - on the other side of a closed door, is where I want to be. If "manservant" wishes to go to bed, I must be in there with him, if he closes the door for privacy, just as he falls asleep is the best time to let him know you no longer wish to be in the room.

Cat fact #8 - when a bug is to high up on the wall to reach, weird chirping meows will gain its trust, and it will come lower so that you may catch and eat it.

Cat Fact #9 - "manservant's" forehead is the perfect place to sit at 5am.

Cat fact #10 - a ratings system has been created for orders of importance, please adhear to all guidelines. Cat, food for cat, sleep for cat, attention for cat, all "manservants's" needs come after.

Ahhh being a cat person sure is rewarding!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Doctors orders

Well. Due to the fires burning in BC, nearly the entire province of Alberta is under an air quality warning. "anyone with a pre-existing respiratory health condition, such as asthma (which I have) is advised to stay indoors with windows closed. All other people are advised to avoid any strenuous activities outdoors."

I went to see my doctor last night and she told me with my asthma, and the smoke, and the fact that my job entails heavy physical labor outdoors, I am not to work until at least Monday.

I called dispatch and told them I'd work today, and see how it goes. If I find my breathing being affected, I'm going to have to stay home. Now, this means I'm not doing as I was told by my doctor.... I must say I'm relieved that I don't have a Domme in my life, because I have a feeling that not following doctors orders would earn me a serious trip over her knee....

As it stands, our job for this morning was shut down because it rained and the lease is too muddy to work on. They're checking a different location to see if we can go there instead. If not, I'll be going home. Fingers crossed!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

The fog scratched its hairy back across the highway as it passed beneath my wheels.

I'm waiting for the warm sunshine to melt away the thickness surrounding me right now. We're tucked way back into some grazing pasture, and the delicious tart odor of the dew and the melting fog is as lush as I've experienced. All I'm doing now is simply awaiting the call to arms...

Well, we're all rigged in, the fog has melted away, and its all just a matter of waiting till I'm needed here...

Now I know its hard to tell from the picture, you all know how camera phones are as clarity goes *eye roll* but the sun is shining on beautiful rolling hills!

What's everyone up to today? Any kinky plans? Anyone gonna get a spanking sometime soon? Love to hear bout it!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So I haven't posted in a while, and I figured I'd better do that. Not that I have much to say...

Got to play last night! Finally! Lil b met me at my hotel, we had a few drinks, and then headed to the room. She got a good beating, with multiple toys, and I couldn't help but notice how soaked she was gettin! So, I started fingering her, and before I knew it, I had her squirting! This is quite possibly one of my favorite things ever. The best part was, she couldn't stop it. I found just the right spot to rub, and her orgasm was simply pouring out of her uncontrollably! God, just thinking about it gets me hard! It was fucking hot!

After about a half hour of her gushing all over my hand and subsequently soaking the bed, she decided she'd had enough, and it was starting to get late, so we cuddled for a bit, and I decided I'd have her get me off. I laid on my back, and she gave me a slow, and passionate hand job. It was amazing. I think one of the things that really makes me purr is when a woman is genuinely interested in watching me cum. A fascinated look of surprise and happiness as I orgasm is so fucking sexy. I really like the idea of a woman wanting to see me cum....

So, I STILL have not had a chance to get to the greyhound to drop off the package for padme and Lord Vader. Sigh, I hope they don't mind.

Anyway, looks like I'm gonna be startin work in a couple minutes. Ttyl!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

The fine art of being sneaky and Canadianisms

If I was a bottom, I'd have been in for it today. My sleep deprived brain decided that instead of waking up on time, and showing up to work for a shop day about 30 min early as usual, that an hour late to work is an acceptable thing to do for a responsible adult.

I usually wake up between 6 and 6:30, hit Timmies (that's Tim Hortons, for you non Canadians) for a double-double(again, that's a coffee with 2 creams, 2 sugars for the non Canadians) and a dutchie(not sure if they have dutchies in other countries, its a nom nom donut with raisins in it). I then usually hit the road, and drive the 15 min it takes to get to the shop.

I'm usually there @ around 7 or 7:30, which gives me till 8 to enjoy my coffee, and get my shit together for work at 8.

Today however, I abused the 'ol snooze button, and woke up at 8:30. Got up and had an internal battle. The devil on my shoulder yawned and said, "dude. Its sunday! There's no jobs up, and you're just gonna leave at lunch anyway! Stay in bed! Chillax! Have a personal mental health day!" I yawned and had a look at the angel... He slapped me upside the head and said "srsly? Get up ya lazy bastard! And get us some coffee! You took yesterday off! Get to work!"

So I hit timmies and arrived at the shop an hour late.

Here's the thing. I think my brain is pretty clever. *nods* if I slept in on a weekday, the shop would be hoppin with people, management would be hanging around and randomly crackin the whip. But today is Sunday.

I got here before all the managers because they usually don't show up till 10 on Sundays, I came in and parked and in looking around I don't think I coulda picked a better day to be late. If anyone asks, I can probably even tell em I was here at 8, and no one would even know the difference! So, my brain was at least clever enough to do this on a day where I could get away with it....

So in having a look over what I've written so far, I wonder, for those of you that read, are there any "Canadianisms" that you know about? How many of you actually know where Canada is? Do you know that in actual land mass, we're the 2nd largest country in the world? Yup. The only country bigger than us in size is Russia. However, in population we're not so big. Under 35 million people here! I remember reading a statistic as a teen that said, if all the people in Canada, were spread out across the country with an even distance between all of us, every person would get 1.6 kilometers around them to themselves(that's 1 square mile each!)

As far as the "isms" go, I'll tell ya some of the words and phrases we use regularly, and if you want, send a comment if you use them where you live or know what they are.

A Mickey - Def. A 12oz bottle of hard liquor

Poutine - Def. A delicious treat consisting of french fries, cheese, and gravy

Serviette - Def. A napkin

Hockey - Def. A fast paced sport played on ice while wearing skates. pronounced - Haw-key

Kraft Dinner - Def. Macaroni and cheese.

Butter Tart - Def. A delicious single serving pie, usually served at Christmas. Similar in flavor to a pecan pie without the pecans.

Naniamo Bar - Def. An UBER sweet baked good made from chocolate and white butter cream icing. Not my fave, but I know LOTS of people that are addicted.

Pop - Def. Soda, srsly? You guys call it "soda?" weeeeeird

Caesar - Def. No, not a salad. This is a delecious beverage invented in Calgary served on ice similar to a bloody Mary, vodka, tobasco sauce, worcestershire, and Clamato(tomato juice with clam juice added, trust me, its good.) served in a glass rimmed with celery salt and garnished with a celery stalk.

Rye - Def. Sometimes known as "Canadian whiskey" its made from rye wheat.

Screech - Def. A Jamaican dark rum served in Newfoundland. Too nasty for the rest of the country.

A Loonie - Def. 1 dollar coin

A Toonie - Def. 2 dollar coin

Pogey - Def. Unemployment benefits

Remembrance Day - Def. November 11th. Known as Veterans day in the US. We honor our fallen soldiers this day.

Toque - Def. a hat worn in the winter. Pronounced Too-k rhymes with kook.

Chesterfield -Def. what old people call a couch or a sofa

Frog - Def. a derogatory term for the french

GST - Def. The evil "goods and services tax" its now at 5% in Alberta. Lots of other provinces (maybe all?) have the HST(harmonized sales tax) now instead. Its the GST + some other provincial tax.

Postal code - Def. Our version of a Zip code. 6 digits long and its always "letter number letter space number letter number" I.e. Santa's postal code is H0H 0H0.

Shinney - Def. a pick up hockey game where people just show up and play.

Ski-doo - Def. A snowmobile. Or "snow machine" if you live on the east coast.

Stubby - Def. BRING IT BACK!!!! Its a short necked beer bottle no longer used. They still use it in Australia, and Jamaican red flag beer is served in it.

RRSP - Def. A tax sheltered retirement savings plan, similar to a 401k in the US

Well, that's all I can think of now. Any other terms used by us Canucks you know? Any terms in your country you wanna share?

Chat with ya soon! ................. Eh! ;)


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Toys...

So, I've made some new toys! I'd like to test them out. But my chances as far as personally testing them goes, are pretty slim. I'm thinking about sending some via Greyhound to Padme and Anakin, but I'm thinking if some readers are willing, I'd like to send some to get feedback from others too! You get to keep the toys, all I ask, is to have a few before and after pics emailed to me to go on the Blog. And if you're up to it, I'd REALLY like to see a video of them in use, but if that's not possible, its not mandatory or anything. Any takers?

All the black ones are made from various thicknesses of firm rubber, and the wooden "bathbrush" is a modified cleaning brush we use on our trucks. Its about two feet long in total, and I've removed the bristles.


"A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in." - Robert Orben

Well, its been a while folks! Good to see you all again! I'm sure you're all wondering, "where the heck have you been these past two weeks??"

I've been on vacation, people! And not just any vacation. The most relaxing, chilled out, calming, life centering vacation known to man!

I left work on Thursday July 29th, and headed West. I left my laptop at home, and made a vow to myself, that I wouldn't turn my phone on unless it was to take pictures, or an emergency.

I ended up in Tofino, on Saturday July 31st, and hopped aboard a water taxi. With a cooler full of water, beer, and food, a tent, and a crate full of camping gear, and landed on Vargas Island, about 45 minutes north of Tofino on my own private beach for a week. I had no communication to the outside world for the whole time. It was incredible!

I spent part of the week naked! Outside! Because in that whole week, the only person I saw was a guy who stopped off on my beach to grab driftwood for firewood for the winter! He actually lived on a different island nearby.

The only people I told where I was going was my roomies and my family, so if I wasn't back when I said I would be, they could come find me. But I had no issues. My only costs were supplies, gas to and from, and the water taxi. The island is free to use, and even though there were other people on the island, they were too far away to reach me without a boat, or a half day hike through the forest.

I feel like a new person. I had such an incredible time. I learned about the tide, I saw the stars, felt the salty spray of the ocean, and just enjoyed my time alone to read, think about life, and chillax.

When I left, I spent one day in Parksville on my way home, visiting some family, and I got home on Monday night. I spent yesterday doing laundry, and getting my crap together for work today and just reflecting.

I missed you all, but, I needed this more than you could know. I have a whole new perspective on things. I'm actually thinking about finding a job somewhere in BC and moving out there! I learned that even though I may not enjoy my job, but its not my whole life. I can enjoy what I do have, and where I live, without thinking work is the only thing in my life.

I missed ya'll a lot. What's new?


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Please leave a message after the beep.....

Well, we will soon return you to your regularly scheduled programming....and I will tell everyone where I've been, and what amazing things I've been up to.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The greatest conference of all time.

Well I got a TON of comments from Celine over at, and I had to send her an email, lol, I would LOVE to do the conference she mentioned! OMG couldn't you just imagine how fun that would be? Here's the email.....

Lmao! Wow! Thank you! As a self proclaimed comment whore, I was PUMPED when I got your multiple shots last night! I LOVE the idea of a worldwide spanko conference! That would be amazing! Let's plan it! Lol, we could get all the major webmasters to have displays or workshops! Punished Brats, Dallas from Dallas spanks hard, the Real Spanking Networks, Calstar, Lupus Pictures, SIT Spankings, etc... Also offer the bloggers the chance to advertise or chat. Like Cherry Red Report, Bonnie over at My Bottom Smarts, Padme, Hermione, you.....etc ;) Maybe have vendor booths! Ask London Tanners sell wares!

We'd have to hold it in a different place every year, to be fair...maybe have the first one in Vegas! Have a live stage show, take donations for Amber Pixie Wells "cause for paws," see if we could convince the people at Fetlife, Spankolife, and ALT to join..... Lol. If I had the funds available to do it.....the planning and invites would already have started! Maybe choose a few writers to contribute they're fave story each, to go in a volume of compiled stories every year! Or vote on the best 12 storys of the year and the get to be published in the it the "Spankronomicon" LMAO!

Not sure what to call the conference tho.."Spankolympiad"? "Spankopalooza"? Lol...

Hope to chat with you soon!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Small towns, and boredom...

So, I'm currently enjoying a leisurely coffee and breakfast in a teeny tiny greasy spoon restaurant in Coronation, AB. Its actually kind of cool, black and white photos of the town in the early 1900's, old vinyl 45s, and coke ads from eras past all adorn the walls of the quaint eatery. Its manned by a staff of 3, an older couple in (I'm guessing here) their late fifties, and one young waitress who cannot be any older than 19. While enjoying a plate of warm poached eggs, toast, bacon, and hash browns, with an orange slice as garnish (they still do that? Cool!) I was reading some of Able Jenkins Blog posts regarding his imagining a spanking situation in some of these unlikely locals and it got me thinking about this place...

The young server has a very demure, almost shy demeanor and I picture her being held accountable for even the smallest indiscretions, by the older restaurant managers.

If you come in on the right day, at the right time, you'd be witness to the dressing down of the young lady, tears welling up in her eyes as she's led to the kitchen to face the dreaded wooden spoon that has served the restaurant for decades. Her loud cries and apologies can be heard echoing throughout the tiny dining room as crack after stinging crack are firmly and lovingly applied to her bared bottom. After her she is told to wipe her tears, and continue her shift. The few customers in the restaurant give her sympathetic looks as the young, chastised waitress refills their coffees and cleans up the now finished breakfast dishes. Her bottom is still sore, and stinging, but she can't help but notice that the size of the tips left, are always larger on days where the customers hear her over the knee kitchen ordeals....



Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust

Well. I want to thank you. Yes you. No, not that person behind you. You. Reader. I have gotten more comments on the last few posts, and I don't know if its because I'm writing about things that speak to more people, or if you have a little more free time on your hands, but I want YOU, the wonderful readers of my little shadowy corner here, to know how much I apriciate you. Thank you. Not just to those that comment either. Lurkers are special too. I am a habitual lurker, because I read most of my Blog roll via RSS feed on my blackberry, and I cannot comment easily. So whatever reason you have for not commenting, I understand, and I want you to know I am happy you drop in to read what I have to say! All of you! Lurkers or not, you rock!

I spoke with little b, a bit yesterday. And she told me about the "predicament bondage" workshop she attended this past Friday. SO COOL! I love the idea of a submissive having to choose between the lesser of 2 evils! But in chatting with her, there is so much more to it than I realized! Imagine this situation.... You have a young woman on her back. Place a turned off hitachi directly on that special spot that is guaranteed to garner a serious reaction when turned on. Now, have her close her legs around this device, whilst placing a raw egg between her knees. Have her lay in a position, with her knees off the bed, so if her legs come apart, the egg will drop on the floor. If the egg drops, or gets crushed between her knees, the scene is over. No ifs ands or buts, the hitachi would be turned off, whether orgasm is reached or not. Now comes the fun part....turn on the hitachi. Tug and play and suck on nipples, suck, lick, nibble ear lobes and neck, whisper, pull hair, etc... While manipulating setting on hitachi. Remember, in order to not drop the egg, or crush it between her knees, she has to make a conscious effort to control the pressure she puts on it! Fun right?!! I was amazed at the sadistic ideas that came to mind after hearing about this!

Recently, little b and I purchased ourselves a couple of those electric fly swatters from walmart. Now these are a fun toy as is, however, being a crafty lil sadist, I figured out how to modify them so they no longer have a great big swatter end, just two little contact points sticking out of the handle! So essentially it has become a micro-tazerlike shocking device! Imagine the possibilities!

Aaaanyway, I gotta get back to work. I hope you have a good day everyone!


P.s. If you would like info on modifying the zapper, let me know! You can comment here, or send me an email to, or @friendlouis on twitter. Also I have a couple more "predicament bondage" ideas that little b told me about, and I'd love to share em if you want! "mwahaha!" <----*sadistic giggle*

Monday, July 26, 2010


So, I was thinking about something while listening to episode 7 of "spanking cast."

There are a few well known people in the world wide spanking community that I either follow on twitter, or consistently read their blogs. *gratuitous name drop to follow ;)*

Adel Haze, Able, Amber Pixie Wells, Pandora Blake, Richard Windsor, etc...

Ever since I've discovered these people, and their special little spots on the web, I've always dreamed of meeting them in person. And recently, I've realized that this may be one dream that doesn't come true. :(

One reason is because they don't know me. Lol, I have a feeling that if some stranger's email message appeared in one of their inboxes exclaiming his love for their writing or movies, and then asking if they'd like to grab a drink or something, the ol' mouse pointer would hit that delete button pretty swiftly.

One of the other reasons, and this is the big one, nearly all of these epic members of the spanking community, tend to reside THOUSANDS of kilometers away. Some of them across the ocean. :( I just don't see myself getting the opportunity to take a trip to Europe or the northeastern United States. And although I often fantasize about what kind of naughty and exciting things would happen, I invariably end up saying to myself, "keep dreaming, sucker."

Is this the sign of a good spanking writer? That you can imagine what it would be like if you were to actually have the chance to either have them over your knee, or to be bare bottomed over theirs, simply from reading what they write?

I've actually seen that Amber Pixie Wells is offering private sessions as a bottom! Sigh, it seems also, that there aren't any of these epic writers in Alberta. Not to knock the AMAZING people I've met and played with here, but its odd, these people are almost like celebrities to me....those people you admire, but know you'll never get the chance to meet.

This list always seems to be growing for me. I am constantly finding new and wonderful blogs that I read, that seem to speak to me. *more gratuitous name dropping..*

Like, celine at, padme at, and

Who are your "dreamy fantasy partners" that you wish you could meet?


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Forcing it...

I has bloggers block. :(

Anyone here have any good ways to get the 'ol creative, fun, blogging juices flowing?

*looks around at all the raised hands*

Anyone have ideas that DON'T involve giving or receiving a spanking, or sexual escapades?

*notes the now empty air that was occupied by hands a short time ago*

That's what I thought. When I'm working, instead of spending time with a brat over my knee, it seems my fun spanking themed Blog turns into a Blog where I discuss more mundane and boring everyday things.. :(

In an attempt to try and keep the hot bottomed theme, I has a question! Of TV shows and movies you all watch, which characters do you think need to spend some time having they're bare bottoms warmed? Or, if you are the one laying over the lap, any characters you'd like to be giving you the warming? The pics up there, are the ones I would LOVE to give a lickin to!

Mmm Alyson Hannigan in Buffy! A naughty little witch!

Emma, Rachel, and Quinn from GLEE (one of my FAVORITE shows!)

And finally Cali and "little Grey" from Greys Anatomy

Being a comment whore *nods*, I hope to see your faves!


Thursday, July 22, 2010


Good morning world....from the bustling teeny tiny "Speedy Creek." (Swift Current, Saskatchewan)

Wow, am I ever tired today! Perhaps I should not have stayed up so late on the phone with "girl".....

Not much to say this morning, maybe when my eyes aren't threatening to close on me every couple seconds I'll write some more.....


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm baaaaaaaaack!

WHEEEEEEW! What a stint in the bush! I was working up in Conklin, AB for the past week, and I have service again, now that I'm on the road back to Red Deer!

I missed chatting with everyone, and seeing all your tweets and Blog updates!

Being a "Blog comment whore" I must send my thanks to Celine, She is a much better comment giver than I am. Lol

It looks like my friend "girl" will be stepping away from the discipline lifestyle. For how long? Who knows. :( This makes me quite sad, she really seemed like her interest in spanking and discipline matched up with mine really well. But I understand her need to take a step back and reevaluate what she needs and wants, and I commend her for her courage and will power to do what she needs to find happiness.

C and little b seem like they are having a TON of fun exploring together, and I am REALLY jealous of his ability to give her some lasting marks! Little b posted a pic of her bottom on her Blog ( and wowee zowee! Nice work!

Well, I hope to get the chance to Blog a little more frequently, now that I'm on my way back to civilization!

Your pal


Sunday, July 11, 2010

What's with the lack of smut? Geez, this is supposed to be a SPANKING Blog! Wtf?

I am rather upset about this little development. It would seem my "spanking Blog" has become a "mundane everyday life Blog." perhaps my lack of spanking excitement in life right now is to

I'm glad its only been a few days since I've blogged, instead of an extended hiatus. So, Lord Vader and padme are making their way to my neck of the woods today, according to padme's twitter update, they stayed in Golden, BC last night. That is a BEAUTIFUL little mountain town in the Rocky Mountains, smack dab in the middle of the Roger's Pass. That means that they're about a 4 or 5 hour drive from Calgary! I have not heard from them to know whether or not they will have the chance to meet up with me while they're out here. Perhaps I'll send her a text or give her a call sometime in the next little while.

I've just found out I'm headed out to Edson today. *heavy sigh* at least I'll be home tonight.

"One of my rules is never explain. A writer is a lot like a magician, if you explain how the trick works then a lot of the magic turns mundane." - Laurell K. Hamilton

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Life is meaningless only if we allow it to be. Each of us has the power to give life meaning, to make our time and our bodies and our words into instruments of love and hope." - Tom Head

So, I've been following padme's Blog and twitter feed for the past few days, and I really hope they enjoy their trip and my province treats them well. I am reeeealy hoping that sometime while they're out, I can come and see them! I'm not sure how it will work, because they will have Luke and Leia with them, but hopefully, if they have a sitter or family to watch the little Jedi younglings, and I can treat Lord Vader and little padme to some drinks on Whyte Ave! I'm considering making another care package for them, to bring back to the sunny west coast...not sure what to put in it yet, but I have 4 new 2' lengths of lexan, a half finished red oak paddle, and I've been itching to get to UFA again....

One of those lengths of lexan I'm thinking of giving to "girl," another, if I EVER get an email addy or some contact info, to Celine ( she expressed some interest, and I'd be happy to part with one!

Well, I'm off to work, gotta finish up this job, then, most likely back to the Deer....

Happy smacking peeps!


Monday, July 5, 2010

New awesome Blogs are awesome!

I love discovering new blogs! Every once in a while, you find one that, for some reason, piques your interest. "hmmmmm!" you say, "what have we here?"

I found one yesterday. This girl is srsly wicked. Not only did she roll over to my Blog and toss comments out like beads at mardi gras, *ego stroked quite thoroughly now*, but she also is bloody friggin hilarious! *note to self - do not read Celine's Blog with beverage in mouth.*

Her telling of her roommate's antics had me in stitches! "June AKA paddle your stupid roommate month"

Find her here -->

I wonder where she's from? Perhaps, if she's near.......*eyes dusty wooden spoon, neglected belt, and lonely hairbrush*

I had a couple questions from her on the "question meme" post

1. Hint --> it involves my tongue.....;) *villainous and sinister grin*

2. It wasn't a matter of "had to," it was an urge to I may have a couple other reeeealy bad ones in that collection...*cough* All Saints *cough cough*

The pizza guy did not SEE my pronz. Only heard. And yes, it did sound like a teary eyed girl was being "straightened out" in my bedroom! ;)

Learn from my fail...

Step 1 : realize room mates aren't home, and smile.
Step 2 : order pizza
Step 3 : begin to watch spanking pronz, masturbate, and generally enjoy the freedom to turn the volume up
Step 4: scramble to put on pants that hide hard on, grab cash, and run to answer pizza guy at door.
Step 5 : realize, AFTER you've let pizza delivery guy in door, that spanking pronz still playing in bedroom....with volume still up *facepalm*
Step 6 : pay pizza guy quick and nearly push him out door
Step 7 : decide with full belly, and "relieved" that a soak in a bath would be great for sore muscles
Step 8 : say "screw it" and leave bathroom door open durring scalding bath
Step 9 : allow room mate's cat to sit on edge of tub because its "adorable"
Step 10 : hear door slam and scramble to shut bathroom door while neglecting to remember ball of fur, teeth, and claws is languidly enjoying your company on the teeny tiny and wet and slippery minuscule edge of bathtub
Step 11 : note ensuing chaos as cat panics and falls in bathtub with naked chubby guy.
Step 12 : try to see who can escape the bathtub first, naked vulnerable guy, or soaking and panicking mass of claws.
Step 13 : write blot post.

Repeat as necessary


Sunday, July 4, 2010

I must be sick...or something

Lol, holy crap! Two posts yesterday, and another today? Damn! I feel like a "real" blogger! Again, sorry to anyone who actually reads this little dark corner of the intewebs, I feel bad that I don't update as often as I should. Thank you for the continued support to those who put up with my frequent silence.

Well, first, thank you to Hermione ( for the meme comment. I don't usually do them, and this one gave me a few laughs because 1. It reminded me of those reeeeealy old school ones I used to get via email, and 2. Because a lot of kaya's ( answers had me nearly spitting coffee on my keyboard due to her sarcastic humor! I *heart* kaya.

I absolutely cannot wait until the 15th! I get paid, and I will be FINNALY able to purchase my ticket for the Sonic Boom Festival ( in The City of Champions! BOO-YEAH!! This years line up is abso-fucking-lutely incredible! Featuring:

Bad Religion
Rise Against
City in Color
Tokyo Police Club
The Arkells
Mother Mother
The Dirty Heads.

The concert goes on Saturday, September 4th, and tickets are $69.50 + service charges, and (I hope these are still available) $129.50 + service charges for the VIP tickets!

*SQUEEEE!!!* I've been waiting for like 13 years to see Weezer, and I ADORE a bunch of those bands! Can't wait!

Hmmm, I've been trying to think of some way to include some smut up in here, be it pics or a story or a video link... But nothing has caught my interest as of late. My fave masturbateory material can be found here ---> and I hope someday to be able to upload my own movies there someday!

Which leads me to a question, I may have asked this before, but I didn't get any responses, so, maybe I'll get some this time..
What are your fave types of media to get off with? Do you just use your imagination? Videos? Pics? Stories? Any particular fave that comes to mind?

Well, Ta ta for now!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

The questions meme...

1. What is your first name?

2. Were you named after anyone?
I wish...boring ol' name.

3. Do you wish on stars?
Sometimes....more so on pennies and birthday candles tho...

4. When did you last cry?
A few days ago..

5. Do you like your handwriting?
*chokes* bwahahaha! Cereal? I have, quite possibly the WORST penmanship. Ever. Cereal.

6. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Mmmmm, Montreal smoked meat!!

7. What is your most embarrassing CD?
Ohhh no...that goes to the grave....

What do you mean I HAVE to answer?



I guess it would be Meredith Brooks, "blurring the edges"


That song "Bitch" was ok.....right?

Oh who am I kidding? It was shite.

8. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Fuck yes! And we'd party day and night!

9. Do you have a journal?
Ummm no...

10. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
PfffffF, child please. Never. *eye roll*

11. What are your nicknames?
J, sometimes Sir..... ;)

12. Would you bungee jump?
Fuck yes.

13. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
HELL NO! I rock skate shoes! We prefer to work at wrecking our shoes every time we put those bad boys on!

14. Do you think that you are strong?
I like to think so, but I'm really just a kitten...

15. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mmmmm root beer....

16. Shoe size?

17. Red or pink?
Red, and sore and stinging! ;)

18. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
My lack of confidence in my own abilities.

19. What do you miss most?
The lack of worries when I was young.

20. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back?
Not sending it anywhere, but it would be cool to get comments!

21. What color pants/shoes are you wearing?
black shorts, barefoot

22. What are you listening to right now?
The delicious and wonderful sounds of the revenge of the sith!

23. Last thing you ate?
Banana split...mmmm healthfood...

24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
The broken one.....:( emo answer is emo....

25. What is the weather like right now?
Not a cloud in the sky, sun is setting...*basks in the summerness*

26. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Dispatch...sigh...I can haz friends nao?

27. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Whether or not I can carry on a conversation with them. Then eyes, hair....everything after that is pretty irrelevant to me...

28. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
No sending. I went forth and gathered. (thank you for the fine answer kaya)

29. Favorite drink?
Corona with lime, red wine, coffee.....

30. Favorite sport?
Oh god, seriously? I live in The Great White North eh! NHL hockey of freakin course! GO OILERS GO! Ya hosers!

31. Hair color?
Rat grey. Otherwise known as "dirty blond"

32. Eye color?
Blue-green. Or green-blue. Depending on mood...

33. Do you wear contacts?
Nope! 20/20 baby! Only one in my family!

34. Favorite food?
Bacon. All other answers to this question are wrong.

35. Last movie you watched?
Other than Star Wars which is on now? Ummm the hangover.

36. Favorite day of the year?

37. Scary movies or happy endings?
hmmm a little from column A and a little from column B please...

38. Winter or summer?
I *heart* summer

39. Hugs or kisses?
Long, deep, slow, wet kisses that last two days.

40. What is your favorite dessert?
Tiramisu oh god I'm getting a hard on just thinking about it.

41. Who is most likely to do this meme?
Somebody who is as bored as I am.(once again, excellent answer kaya)

42. Who is the least likely to do this meme and comment?
Anyone who thinks memes are lame.

43. What books are you reading?
"The Girl Who Played With Fire" by Stieg Larsson

44. What's on your mouse pad?
Since when do mice need feminine hygiene products? Get a laptop and a blackberry people!

45. What did you watch on TV last night?
I didn't. I fell asleep right after I ate.

46. Favorite smells?
Campfire. Or the forest.

47. Favorite sound?
A woman having an orgasm.

48. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
The Beatles.

49. What's the furthest you've been from your home?
A few thousand kms...

50. Do you have a special talent?
That's for me to know, and for you to find out.

51. What is your ring tone?
"The End Of Heartache" by Killswitch Engage.

"Seems harder and harder to just sit back and enjoy the finer things in life"

Well, after another looooong hiatus, here's a post for ya!

Some new developments in my life have prompted me to write. I've met a wonderful young woman with very similar interests in domestic discipline and spanking. Let's call her "girl"... We met a while ago online, and recently, we've become fast friends. I had the opportunity to meet with her in person, and give her a punishment spanking, then once more for a more casual dinner and some play. I like her a lot, and if things work out, I can see becoming more involved in her desires to be held accountable for her transgressions.

On a bit of a side note, I've discussed the dangers of texting and driving with her, and its understood that I will spank her for it, however, I myself have been known to do that very thing, and since our discussion, I have refrained from it. Because I have done it before tho, we're both in agreement that if the opportunity should arise, I may end up facing the consequences as well...*gulp*

We had an interesting conversation about whether or not I'd agree to being punished by another guy. I've never really even considered this, and I found the idea to be intriguing as long as she was involved and there was no sexual undertones to the punishment. I've realized that I've become a lot more open to playing with same sex partners, with the caveat that a woman is somehow involved. Be it MM/f or M/mf or even F/fm. She also agreed that if I were to be punished, she would enjoy witnessing it!

If girl does end up agreeing to being held accountable by me, I am quite certain that she'll not only discover that I won't take it easy on her, but also that I would be quite fair. Let's just say if she needs it, she will have difficulty sitting still after, but she wouldn't be punished for useless or trivial things.

I'm also quite excited for little "b"! She's found a new play partner and it sounds like things are going swimmingly! I hope to continue to receive updates from her regarding all the naughty details!! ;)

Well I guess that's it. Hmmm no promises, but I hope this tendency to Blog as unfrequently as I have been, ends soon. Sometimes I guess I just need some motivation!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Day After

Well, it was shaping up to be a pretty quiet birthday, but I ended up getting a call from a buddy, and we went out for some "barley soup" and watched the Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup! I'm glad that Philly didn't win it, and even though they weren't the team I was rooting for at the beginning, I was glad to see them FINALLY end their 49 year cup drought.

I'm still working on the St. Mary Magdalene site, but its started! I am hoping to start receiving applications for enrollment soon, I may end up actually designing an application! Also if you want, there's an email address for the page And a twitter feed. @Schoolforgirls.

The page is still kinda in construction, but I hope to get some work done on it over the next couple weeks!

You're friend


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Don't wanna....

Well...I was considering not posting today, but in the spirit of being honest with both you guys, and myself, I have to announce that today, *heavy sigh*, is my thirtieth birthday. I didn't want to acknowledge it, but unfortunately it has crept up on me. With the first 30 years of my life in the record books, I'm feeling like I have not accomplished much. I had pretty big dreams as a teen, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I really did think I'd have been further ahead than I am.

Oh pity parties allowed! Lol, at least I don't have anyone to give me a birthday paddling! *wipes brow* whew! Lol

I am currently working on creating a second Blog tho! (I know, I know, I can barely keep up with posting here!) I decided that the fantasy I spoke about in my last post, could do with its own little when I do finish it up, I hope to have some interest! As of now, I am accepting pre-approval requests to be accepted into "St. Mary Magdalene's Academy for Wayward Girls"! If you are a lady that would like to be a member of the student body, please send an e-mail to me at with your age, name you'd like to be known as on the Blog, personal info pertaining to things you'd like to work on in the institution, and any feedback for programs you'd like to be offered by the Academy. I'm kind of excited to be trying this out. I will be posting stories, homework assignments, and general school info (including punishments and training schedules)

Also, if you are Guy or Girl interested in being a faculty member, or part of the staff, please send an e-mail to the same address, including your age, name you'd like to be known as, and any personal teaching methods and specialty programs you may be interested in heading.

On the Blog I will have to decide if I'll be known as either Dean or Headmaster, and I will be also developing a couple fraternities if I have any interest....

I hope this ends up being as fun as I imagine it to be, and just so you know, I will be making diplomas to mail or email out if you want them, and maybe even making some special home made gifts to send out to my most deserving students!

What do you think? Can this work? Are you interested?

Looking forward to hearing from you!