Now, I'm not sure how many of you are cat owners, but the personality nuances a cat expresses, are amazing. They are aloof creatures, when you want their attention, and they cannot be more irritating when you want to be left alone. But it is for these very reasons that we are fascinated by them.
Cat fact #1 - computer keyboards are comfortable places to sleep, and/or walk. This is especially true when "manservant" is using said computer.
Cat fact #2 - when "manservant" is walking somewhere, the best place to be is directly in his path at all times, this is especially true in stairs.
Car fact #3 - when leisurely relaxing on "manservant's" lap, it is perfectly acceptable to leap off at mach 5 million, with full claw traction deployment at the slightest noise.
Cat fact #4 - night time is too quiet. Loud meowing and wailing for no particular reason, is greatly apriciated by all residents.
Cat fact #5 - any time a can is being opened, it is always catfood. Your presence is required in the kitchen accompanied by noisy meowing and much fanfare. Even when the can is filled with something "manservant" does not believe to be catfood, it is your personal responsibility to make it known that all canned goods are, in fact, catfood.
Cat fact #6 - scratching enjoyment is directly proportional to the cost of whatever is being scratched.
Cat fact #7 - on the other side of a closed door, is where I want to be. If "manservant" wishes to go to bed, I must be in there with him, if he closes the door for privacy, just as he falls asleep is the best time to let him know you no longer wish to be in the room.
Cat fact #8 - when a bug is to high up on the wall to reach, weird chirping meows will gain its trust, and it will come lower so that you may catch and eat it.
Cat Fact #9 - "manservant's" forehead is the perfect place to sit at 5am.
Cat fact #10 - a ratings system has been created for orders of importance, please adhear to all guidelines. Cat, food for cat, sleep for cat, attention for cat, all "manservants's" needs come after.
Ahhh being a cat person sure is rewarding!
You are hysterical, I am laughing my ass off! Whilst petting TWO cats, one on my lap and one on the desk. *grin* This is awesome, yo! Celine