Well hello everyone!!!!!!
Long time no see! I've been neglecting this little Blog. If I had someone to answer to, I'd most definitely accept the over the knee bare bottomed spanking I surely deserve. I miss you all! :(
I cannot believe how freaking busy I've been! Usually, I'll end up putting in a few shop days here and there. Today is my first one since Sept! Holy crap! I have noticed that I'm not the only one not blogging regularly tho....*looks at Celine* ;)
You cannot possibly imagine the messed up sleep schedule I've been having! Up at 2:30am and 14 hour days. I'd get to work around 3am and drive to location to be there by 6. I'd do the job, drive to the plant, wait in line for about an hour, load, drive to the shop, do my post trip, and usually be home around 5:30PM. I'd be asleep by around 7 or 8. Its funny, on Saturday and Sunday mornings, I'm usually driving to work while people are leaving the bars.
So.... What's new? How is everyone? Did I lose readers? *sobs* I hope not..... I'm still here!
Membership Primer
1 week ago
Lost readers? Perhaps you have gained one!