Saturday, July 3, 2010

The questions meme...

1. What is your first name?

2. Were you named after anyone?
I wish...boring ol' name.

3. Do you wish on stars?
Sometimes....more so on pennies and birthday candles tho...

4. When did you last cry?
A few days ago..

5. Do you like your handwriting?
*chokes* bwahahaha! Cereal? I have, quite possibly the WORST penmanship. Ever. Cereal.

6. What is your favorite lunch meat?
Mmmmm, Montreal smoked meat!!

7. What is your most embarrassing CD?
Ohhh no...that goes to the grave....

What do you mean I HAVE to answer?



I guess it would be Meredith Brooks, "blurring the edges"


That song "Bitch" was ok.....right?

Oh who am I kidding? It was shite.

8. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Fuck yes! And we'd party day and night!

9. Do you have a journal?
Ummm no...

10. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
PfffffF, child please. Never. *eye roll*

11. What are your nicknames?
J, sometimes Sir..... ;)

12. Would you bungee jump?
Fuck yes.

13. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
HELL NO! I rock skate shoes! We prefer to work at wrecking our shoes every time we put those bad boys on!

14. Do you think that you are strong?
I like to think so, but I'm really just a kitten...

15. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mmmmm root beer....

16. Shoe size?

17. Red or pink?
Red, and sore and stinging! ;)

18. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
My lack of confidence in my own abilities.

19. What do you miss most?
The lack of worries when I was young.

20. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back?
Not sending it anywhere, but it would be cool to get comments!

21. What color pants/shoes are you wearing?
black shorts, barefoot

22. What are you listening to right now?
The delicious and wonderful sounds of the revenge of the sith!

23. Last thing you ate?
Banana split...mmmm healthfood...

24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
The broken one.....:( emo answer is emo....

25. What is the weather like right now?
Not a cloud in the sky, sun is setting...*basks in the summerness*

26. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Dispatch...sigh...I can haz friends nao?

27. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Whether or not I can carry on a conversation with them. Then eyes, hair....everything after that is pretty irrelevant to me...

28. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
No sending. I went forth and gathered. (thank you for the fine answer kaya)

29. Favorite drink?
Corona with lime, red wine, coffee.....

30. Favorite sport?
Oh god, seriously? I live in The Great White North eh! NHL hockey of freakin course! GO OILERS GO! Ya hosers!

31. Hair color?
Rat grey. Otherwise known as "dirty blond"

32. Eye color?
Blue-green. Or green-blue. Depending on mood...

33. Do you wear contacts?
Nope! 20/20 baby! Only one in my family!

34. Favorite food?
Bacon. All other answers to this question are wrong.

35. Last movie you watched?
Other than Star Wars which is on now? Ummm the hangover.

36. Favorite day of the year?

37. Scary movies or happy endings?
hmmm a little from column A and a little from column B please...

38. Winter or summer?
I *heart* summer

39. Hugs or kisses?
Long, deep, slow, wet kisses that last two days.

40. What is your favorite dessert?
Tiramisu oh god I'm getting a hard on just thinking about it.

41. Who is most likely to do this meme?
Somebody who is as bored as I am.(once again, excellent answer kaya)

42. Who is the least likely to do this meme and comment?
Anyone who thinks memes are lame.

43. What books are you reading?
"The Girl Who Played With Fire" by Stieg Larsson

44. What's on your mouse pad?
Since when do mice need feminine hygiene products? Get a laptop and a blackberry people!

45. What did you watch on TV last night?
I didn't. I fell asleep right after I ate.

46. Favorite smells?
Campfire. Or the forest.

47. Favorite sound?
A woman having an orgasm.

48. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
The Beatles.

49. What's the furthest you've been from your home?
A few thousand kms...

50. Do you have a special talent?
That's for me to know, and for you to find out.

51. What is your ring tone?
"The End Of Heartache" by Killswitch Engage.


  1. I haven't read a meme on the blogs for ages. Thanks for bringing back the tradition.

    Root beer ice cream? One of the new PC flavours? I'd like to try that.


  2. Hey, you totally made my day with your comment, thanks! Dude, "Blurring the Edges" can't be your most embarrassing c.d. It's not that bad. ;)I have that one too, but I also have two Spice Girls c.d.s and an N'Sync one that I bought when I was in 6th grade. Sort of redefines "embarrassing," doesn't it? *grin* I don't listen to them anymore, though. Crap. Now that you know that, I have to kill you.

    Sometimes, it's a good thing not to be named after anyone. :) I think my dad named me after the girl with the biggest jugs in his 8th grade class. He claims it's a coincidence, though. I bet...

    Yay for the Beatles and bacon! You're not even going to give us a hint about your special talent? How come you had to answer the c.d. question but not the talent one? Hmmm?? *raises eyebrow*

    Peace yo, I'm off to read some more of your blog.
    Celine :)
