Well well well! Lookee what the cat dragged in! Its been a loooooong while since I've checked in with all ya'll! I'm sure I'm sounding a bit like a broken record here, but again, I was stuck deep in the bush, no service. But I've returned to civilization, and I'm feeling outta the loop! What's everyone been up to?
Yesterday afternoon, I got home, and the first thing I did was finish up my package for padme and Master Anakin/Darth <--- http://darkside-journey.blogspot.com, and I'm hoping I'll be able to get to the greyhound station to send it off sometime this afternoon. The last package only took a day, and was very well received, so I'm hoping they'll like this one too! There's some pretty cool crafty toys included in this one, but no fancy cedar box, but there's one item in this package I'm particularly proud of. I needed padme's bra size in order to make it, and I'm really hoping she and Lord Vader are pleased and get a lot of use out of the contents. It made me so happy when they enjoyed the last package and I must say I consider them really good friends. Padme is one of my favorite bloggers, and I find her absolutely gorgeous. She's expressed a keen interest in playing with me someday, and I must admit the feeling is more than mutual. If I ever get the opportunity to get to their area again in the future, I get VERY excited at the prospect of playing with her and meeting them.
Work has kind of dropped me off the face of the earth and I haven't had the chance to chat with anyone here in a while either. So hopefully, now that I'm back, I'll get to hear some exciting stories!
Well, I guess I should get to work, looking forward to hearing from you all!
Membership Primer
1 week ago
Hi J,
ReplyDeleteYou are very sweet to be sending us more toys. We enjoy the last ones you sent and use that beautiful cedar box too. I am looking forward to seeing what you are sending us next. Your last toys you sent were pretty mean!! :D
I consider you one of my closest and dearest friends and hope that one day we will meet. I'd love to be able to play with you too! Hopefully one day that can happen. Thank you for all the kind words about me. You are very sweet, Obi-Wan. *smiles*
I promise lots of pictures and you mentioned a video too with the new toys in use? I'm sure we can send you a special one. :D
Hope we can talk soon.
Big Hugs,