Well. Due to the fires burning in BC, nearly the entire province of Alberta is under an air quality warning. "anyone with a pre-existing respiratory health condition, such as asthma (which I have) is advised to stay indoors with windows closed. All other people are advised to avoid any strenuous activities outdoors."
I went to see my doctor last night and she told me with my asthma, and the smoke, and the fact that my job entails heavy physical labor outdoors, I am not to work until at least Monday.
I called dispatch and told them I'd work today, and see how it goes. If I find my breathing being affected, I'm going to have to stay home. Now, this means I'm not doing as I was told by my doctor.... I must say I'm relieved that I don't have a Domme in my life, because I have a feeling that not following doctors orders would earn me a serious trip over her knee....
As it stands, our job for this morning was shut down because it rained and the lease is too muddy to work on. They're checking a different location to see if we can go there instead. If not, I'll be going home. Fingers crossed!
Membership Primer
1 week ago
Ahem. >:( See my stern face? Don't make me come up there. I'd hate for you to have a big asthma attack or worse. :( Stay safe. Celine