gah. It snowed yesterday. Actually, the term "snowed" is a little bit of an understatement. On Monday, it was a beautiful fall evening. I actually saw green grass on my way home from work. Srsly. Then I woke up on Tuesday morning, and it was like old man winter took a great big Shit all over the place. It truly is as disgusting as it sounds. My job on Tuesday was shut down, more so to let everyone else realize they needed to change their driving style from amateur nascar driver to grandma. I think they said on the radio that there was over 200 accidents in the city of Calgary alone. Happens every winter. And to those of you that actually LIKE this shite, I'm looking at you lil b....ya'll should be locked up.
Woke up this morning with the perfect side dish to surprise winter, yup, the flu. Life, she ees grand, non?
Just now, the pumper on location shat the bed, so we had to rig it out, they're sending another one out from Drumheller to finish the job. So much for early days when I'm sick. *eye roll*
I heard from my spanko friend who came clean to her very vanilla bf, about her need for domestic discipline. Baby steps. Lol. He doesn't own a computer (wtf? Right? Dark ages much?) so that may be why, when it comes to kink, he's so sheltered... But anyway, he slapped her butt while they know.......doing it. And he even called her a "naughty girl!" How cool is that? Perhaps he has the Domly gene, and just hasn't had the opportunity to explore it? Either that or its just a known fact that whilest swatting a young lady's bared bottom, the appropriate thing to say is "you've been a naughty girl," and its instinctive to do so for vanilla and spanko alike....hmmmm a spanking instinct....interesting....thoughts?
Well. Back to the grindstone. Ttyl folks!
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