Well, not too much to update about, but, I had a really nice weekend! I only had to put in a half shop day in on Saturday, and because spring breakup has pretty much officially taken over, they gave us Sunday off! Saturday night I got to go out with a buddy to a local pub, enjoyed a few wobbly pops, and had my heart broken watching the L.A. Kings luck out a win in overtime against the Vancouver Canucks. Sunday was a wonderfully relaxing day of rest, however, I did get one little task finished up!
The lexan's are DONE! The surprise for Master Anakin/Darth and padme (http://darkside-journey.blogspot.com/) is all finished! I got it all boxed up, and I was going to send it, but, I need to be sure I'm sending it to the right place. I tried to get a hold of padme on the weekend, but no dice. So, hopefully, sometime today, I can touch base with her, and send it off! I'm SOOOO excited for them to get it!! That lexan is a wickedly ouchie toy!!
I'm gonna be putting in a shop day AGAIN today, polishing aluminum on my rig. Sore arms are predicted! :( I'm all outta shape, the last time I gave a beating to lil b, I couldn't spank as long as I would have liked. I think it may have had something to do with being sleepy, and worn out, but I need to get some "strokes" in! ;)
Well, off to the grind stone.
"Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning."
- Gloria Steinem
Membership Primer
1 week ago
OMG you make lexan rods? I am totally impressed!! Aww whippy snap. Yum. :) You um, don't happen to have any pics of anyone who's been on the receiving end of one, do you? *grin* Just curious...