So I had a pretty good Monday as far as Mondays go. A decent day at work, tired of shop days (I know I know, broken record right?) but I finished the lexans and got the package shipped to BC. I'm so excited for them to get it!
I got home, and chilled out on the patio with the roommates, enjoyed some home made ribs, and a few beers! We went in to watch the hockey game, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted :( an obvious goal for the Canucks, was disallowed, and the L.A. Kings ended up coming up with the win, and the series lead. They're now up 2 games to 1 and Van has an uphill battle.
I agree with most sportscasters, in the thought that this NHL playoffs is one of the best in recent history.
My life is suffering a serious lack of kink these days, I hope the phrase "if you don't use it, you lose it," is a blatant lie.... I guess I'll have to continue living vicariously through padme and Master Anakin/Darth....;)
Heard that at the Calgary comic book expo, Lando freakin Calrissian is gonna be there! Too cool!
Membership Primer
5 days ago
Thank you for the toys, J. You are a very dear friend and I am very touched. I think my bottom is going to hurt though! :)