So, I don't hit fetlife very often, but the past few days I've been able to take a quick peek. And imagine my surprise in seeing the young girl that disappeared from contact, that I saw once before I met my little b! I haven't mentioned anything to her yet, and I don't know if I will, but I noticed. I will include a link to my post about it here...
Its odd, I want to say something to her. Find out why I was so easy to cast off. But, I know if I were in her shoes, I would not want to talk to me...
So, I've got ants in my pants, waiting to read padme's blog update about her date with A yesterday night! She mentioned on twitter that she's got some bruises from her play last night! Mmmm love hearing about how you little subbies get your marks!
My lil one didn't post yesterday, probably because by the time we got off the phone it was gettin late. We had a GREAT chat, about movies, and karaoke, and had some great laughs! Lol, the picture at the top is from one of the movies we discussed!
Lil b may get to join some other subs for coffee today, lol, we all know there's ALWAYS trouble when submissives get together without any Dom supervision! Best behavior young lady! ;)
"The parkin lot
Why not? It's so cool when you're on top!
His front lawn in the snow
Life is so hard because Scotty doesn't know!
We did it on his birthday..."
- Scotty Doesn't Know - Eurotrip Original Soundtrack
Membership Primer
1 week ago
I wrote to you on FL ... :)