Monday, December 28, 2009

The truth and the lies Meme.

So, I have read a couple blogs that have done this meme and I think its a pretty cool one. The idea is, I give you all 5 tales about my spanking experience, and only one of em are true. Ya'll get to guess, which of the 5 are true!

1. The most severe marks left by a spanking I've given was, one where I used only my hand.

2. I once bought a strap online, and the day I got it, I lost it.

3. I tried my hardest to give a severe caning, and leave some serious welts, only to end up leaving only a slightly red bottom the next day.

4. I've posted a spanking video I've made online.

5. I once got to give a good bare bottomed spanking to two lovely women at the same time.

Well, there they are folks! Stay tuned for the answers, and comment! Tell your friends to come by and comment!

"Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love"

-Leonard Cohen

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to say #3. Final answer.

    Not entirely sure why I think #3 is the truth one, but I've always been taught to go with my gut instinct, so I'm gonna go with 3.

