The moonless nIght outside, created an opaque thickness to the air around them. Normally he marveled at the way the moonlight caressed her body. Soft as royal silk, it would dance on the snowy pale curves of her hips and heavy breasts.
Her bared torso softly rose and fell with every quiet breath. Though the sun had yet to rise, Draden was up. He hated leaving the warmth of Milla's body to go to work, but the fields would not tend themselves. As he finished dressing, slipping his well worn boots on, Draden kissed her cheek and whispered "see you soon little one. Don't be late for classes!"
Milla was a teacher, at the small rural private school in their community. As the warm sun slowly broke the darkness on the horizon, her brown eyes fluttered open. Panic shot through her veins as she leapt from bed, blankets torn from her rising body "dammit!" she mumbled to herself, "I'm late again!" the clock on the wall showed 10 minutes to 8. Classes started at 8. Milla raced around the bedroom, dressing faster than she ever remembered doing in her past. She burst from the front door, grabbing her coat on the way out. She raced to town, and was walking in the doors of the school at ten minutes past eight. Books and papers a jumble of chaos in her arms as she ran through a thousand excuses she could tell the Headmaster. None, she figured, would prevent the heavy oak paddle hanging in his study from meeting her bared bottom. Milla's stomach did flips as she sighed and walked purposefully into the classroom.
Empty."Empty? Where is everyone?" She wondered. Suddenly realization washed over her, a desperate wave of relief. "the assembly!" today they had a public speaker doing a presentation in the gymnasium to the whole school! She had not missed any morning classes! "oh, thank god!" Milla sighed, and she placed the books and papers on her desk.
Milla left the classroom and walked the empty halls to the office. Headmaster Daniel's secretary was on the phone and Milla gestured to his office. The young secretary smiled, sympathetically, shook her head no, and pointed to the gym. Milla would have to wait till the end of the presentation to speak with Headmaster Daniel. She sighed, and plunked herself down on one of the chairs in the office and waited. When she finished on the phone, Barb, the young secretary whispered, "He's pretty upset, Milla, I tried my best to relax him, but its the third time this month you've been late..." and she looked sadly at the doomed teacher in front of her. Milla shifted uncomfortably in her seat, "I know Barb, thanks for your help, but I think I'm gonna end up facing the music this time." Barb smiled, "I know, I tucked a little pillow in the bottom drawer of your desk for afternoon classes." "thank you so much Barb, you're a doll" said Milla as she stood. "I'm going to go use the ladies room, the presentation should be finished soon."
As Milla washed her hands, she heard the clamor of the students making their way from the gym to the cafeteria for lunch. Her stomach did flips again as she walked back to the office, her palms sweating. When she entered, Barb called Mr. Daniel on the phone, "Miss Jacobs, is here to see you, Sir." the crackled voice on the phone said "send her in please, thank you Barbra." Milla was shaking as she reached for the door that took her to the outer area of the Headmaster's study. Mr. Daniel waited behind his desk for Milla. He remembered the last and only other time he had to punish Milla. She was still a student teacher then. He remembered how attracted he was to her, and although he was quite disappointed in Milla these past few weeks, but he was quite excited to have her on the way to his office this afternoon. "I'll have to tell Draden about this later," he smiled to himself. Milla's lover Draden was Mr. Daniels closest friend and confidant. They had been friends since childhood, and he had introduced the two of them when Milla started at the school. They hit it off immediately, and he knew Draden would want to know about today's events.
Milla's hands were shaking as she knocked on Mr. Daniel's door. "enter!" he commanded. Mr Daniel was not your typical Headmaster, he was young. Older than Milla's 23 years, but 30 is far from old. She always liked him. He helped her meet Draden, and she always saw him as a friend, but at the school, he was always fair. Never giving her special treatment, but he always told Draden when she did something wrong. Even if she avoided the Headmaster's paddle, she knew she would end up getting a bare bottom spanking with her hairbrush, or the wooden spoon from Draden when she got home.
Milla slowly opened the door, and with her heart in her throat, and eyes on her shoes, she said "hello, Sir. I'm sorry I was late this morning, and I'm sorry I missed the assembly."
"Not as sorry as you're going to be, Milla. This is the third time you've been late this month, and you know what I told you last time. Tardiness will not be tolerated in my school, especially for my teachers, who I count on to give a good example! I thought after we spoke last time, you'd learned your lesson. And from what Draden told me, the hairbrush helped drive that lesson home!"
Milla blushed profusely, she had no idea Mr. Daniel and her lover spoke of such intimate details of her life! "I wonder what else they talk about?" as the color on her cheeks went from pink to crimson.
"Well, Miss Jacobs, go to the closet, and bring me my paddle. Remove the undergarments you have on under that skirt, and bend over the desk young lady."
Milla, her cheeks burning, looked pleadingly at the Headmaster, then resigned herself to the situation and walked to the closet. Opening the doors, the earthy scent of the maple armoire filled the air. She reached up and grasped the heavy oak paddle from its hook. It was menacingly heavy, and solid. She closed the doors and walked to the desk. With signs of tears already forming in her eyes, she placed the paddle in front of Mr. Daniel, and she sighed as she reached up her skirt, and lowered the soft panties covering her bottom and smoothly shaven private area. She bent over and removed the panties, folded them neatly, and placed them next to the paddle.
As Mr. Daniel purposefully rose from behind the large desk, Milla hiked the front of her skirt up to her waist, spread her legs a little more than shoulder width apart, and bent her body across the top of the wooden desk. The cool surface of the wood pressed against her large breasts, and Milla shivered as she reached across and grasped the far edge of the desk, knuckles white.
To be continued....