Well hello again, lovely readers! I've been spending an awful lot of time reading all the amazing stories over at
http://voiceinthecorner.wordpress.com/ there are some VERY incredible mental images portrayed there in some of the stories.
It got me to thinking about my own experiences as a Dom, and as much as I feel like I am "experienced", there are a lot of things I've never tried. As far as this particular post goes, I'm gonna stick to implements.
So, first a list of items that I HAVE used and some that I really like in particular.
My very fave implement, to begin the list, is the dreaded wooden spoon. This, in my opinion, is nearly the perfect implement. Reasons? Well, first of all it stings. Lol, the right wooden spoon can invoke that bottom shaking panic at the realization of how much something so innocuous can cause so much bloody sting! Its got that Top friendly wielding factor, as its easy to use, without much effort being put in can still reap fantastic bottom squirming results. Its an implement that can be found in nearly every home in Canada, they're cheap, easy to find, and readily available. And yet, you'd think with the sting the right one can create, they'd be impossible to find. Love 'em!
Other wooden toys I've used - hairbrushes, bathbrushes, wooden dowels, paddles etc. All wonderful.
Leather - belts, straps, tawses, paddles, etc.. I know some people prefer leather because its got that more building burn as opposed to the stinginess that wood provides.
Other - lexan rods, rubber paddles and straps, thin metal snappy sticks (pull back and let go for a snappy red mark, great for creating artwork!) all yummy and fun.
Now some of the things I wanna try that I've never had the chance to....
Wood - Birch rods, switches, rattan canes, etc.. All very European, and with the many wooded areas I live near, you'd think birches and switches would be used way more often!
Other - Marionette(what are these?) lexan paddles, whips, single-tails, floggers(I have used one flogger, but only once)....
How about you, readers? What's your fave? No choosing the "hand" we all like it! Its a cop out answer! What are some you've never tried that you'd like to?
Looking forward to your responses peeps!