Monday, March 29, 2010
No service :(
So, even though its probably not a good idea, little b and I have been chatting, and flirting a little bit. We keep bringing up the fact that she desperately needs a good hard bare assed lickin, and I desperately need to give one! I think that in the near future(if I ever get a day off) I'll be making my way to Calgary to spank the living daylights out of her! Lol, I can just imagine her, bent over, and teary eyed with her very sore and well punished bottom still up in the air. YUMMY! Perhaps if she asks REALLY nice, I'll bring and use the lexan cane and give her some really nice welts to sit on at work!
I can only imagine what kind of messages I'm gonna receive after the naughty little brat reads this post. ;)
I just heard on the radio, that the boys brought the wrong isolation tool out. Sigh. And its already 12:30. What a day.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
When I was walking to St. Ives, I met a man with 7 wives....
Monday, March 22, 2010
ahhhhhh *contented sigh*

There are things we learn in life that are wonderful, to go along with the bad things we hate to learn. One of these things that I've learned, from a friend in the Oil Patch, is something called "shower beers."
Now, before you go saying "that's weird!" or "you're an alcoholic!" hear me out.
When you get home from a hard days work, and you're sore, and achy, how amazing is it to get home, strip down, and get into a HOT shower? I know right? AMAZING!
Also, how incredible is it, to flop down, kick up your feet, and crack a frosty beverage? Also AMAZING!
Shower beers, is an amalgamation of these two things, creating a blissful experience of enjoying a delicious frosty beverage, WHILE letting the stresses of the day wash down the drain in a hot shower! Trust me, its FANTASTIC. I wholeheartedly suggest you try it some time!
In other news, I asked Padme a few questions about her life as a slave that i'd been wondering. Her's is quite possibly my fave blog to read, and i am soooo glad to have met her! check her out here!!
"But that's just the trouble with me, I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it."
Be patient is very good advice,
But the waiting makes me curious.
And I'd love the change, should something strange, begin.
Well, I went along my merry way, and I never stopped to reason.
I should have known, there'd be a price to pay, someday, someday.
I give myself, very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.
Will I ever learn, to do the things I should?
- Alice in Wonderland (1951)
I find this to be more and more true with every passing day. I wonder if this is true for most. Is experience teaching you the lessons you'd rather not learn?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Yes I dropped off the face of the planet for a while there, gotta love working in a camp in the middle of nowhere! But, I'm back in the world of the living now! Yay! I don't have much new news to bring, things tend to be pretty slow when you're not part of the 21st century's technological info stream.
I was offered a new job yesterday, however, it is in the same industry. :( although the pay would be better, I'd still be working away from home for extended periods of time, and I don't really want to leave the security of my job right now, for something unknown that's still part of the patch.
Looking forward to tweeting, chatting, emailing, and texting you all!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Power of music continues

"Laughing With"
No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one's laughing at God when they're starving or freezing or so very poor
No one laughs at God when the doctor calls after some routine tests
No one's laughing at God when it's gotten real late and their kid's not back from that party yet
No one laughs at God when their airplane starts to uncontrollably shake
No one's laughing at God when they see the one they love hand in hand with someone else and they hope that they're mistaken
No one laughs at God when the cops knock on their door and they say, "We've got some bad new, sir"
No one's laughing at God when there's a famine, fire or flood
But God can be funny
At a cocktail party while listening to a good God-themed joke or
Or when the crazies say he hates us and they get so red in the head you think that they're about to choke
God can be funny
When told he'll give you money if you just pray the right way
And when presented like a genie
Who does magic like Houdini
Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus
God can be so hilarious
Ha ha
Ha ha
No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one's laughing at God when they've lost all they got and they don't know what for
No one laughs at God on the day they realize that the last sight they'll ever see is a pair of hateful eyes
No one's laughing at God when they're saying their goodbyes
But God can be funny
At a cocktail party while listening to a good God-themed joke or
Or when the crazies say he hates us and they get so red in the head you think that they're about to choke
God can be funny
When told he'll give you money if you just pray the right way
And when presented like a genie
Who does magic like Houdini
Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus
God can be so hilarious
No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one laughs at God in a hospital
No one laughs at God in a war
No one's laughing at God in a hospital
No one's laughing at God in a war
No one's laughing at God when they're starving or freezing or so very poor
No one's laughing at God
No one's laughing at God
No one's laughing at God
We're all laughing with God
- Regina Spektor
I absolutely LOVE Regina Spektor. Her music invokes such strong emotions for me, and the first time i heard this song, I wept. Hard, like I hadnt cried in years. There are a few songs of hers that i could have put here, but this one is just so moving....
The power of music. this one's for you, you know who you are.

Slow me down.
Rushing and racing
and running in circles
Moving so fast, I'm forgetting my purpose
Blur of the traffic is sending me spinning
Getting nowhere
My head and my heart are colliding, chaotic
Pace of the world
I just wish I could stop it
Try to appear like I've got it together
I'm falling apart
Save me
Somebody take my hand, and lead me
Slow me down
Don't let love pass me by
Just show me how
'Cause I'm ready to fall
Slow me down
Don't let me live a lie
Before my life flys by
I need you to slow me down
Sometimes I fear that I might dissapear
In the blur of fast forward I faulter again
Forgetting to breathe, I need to sleep
I'm getting nowhere
All that I've missed I see in the reflection
Passed me while I wasn't paying attention
Tired of rushing, racing and running
I'm falling apart
Tell me
Oh won't you take my hand and lead me
Slow me down
Don't let love pass me by
Just show me how
'Cause I'm ready to fall
Slow me down
Don't let me live a lie
Before my life flys by
I need you to slow me down
Just show me
I need you to slow me down
The noise of the world is getting me caught up
Chasing the clock and I wish I could stop it
Just need to breathe, somebody please
Slow me down
- Emmy Rossum
Monday, March 8, 2010
the power of music part deux

"Long Time Running"
Does you mother tell you things?
Long, long when I'm gone?
Who you talking to?
Is she telling you I'm the one?
It's a grave mistake and I'm wide awake.
Drive-In's rained out
Weatherman wet-fingers the sky
He pokes it out, he pulls it in
He don't know why
It's the same mistake
It's been a long time running
It's been a long time running
It's well worth the wait
We don't go anywhere
Just on trips
We haven't seen a thing
We still don't know where it is
It's a safe mistake
It's been a long time running
It's been a long time running
Well, well it's all the same mistake
Dead to rights and wide awake
I'll drop a caribou, I'll tell on you
I'll tell on you, I'll tell on you
You've got a boat-load O'nerve
But I would say you've been told
You work me against my friends
And you'll get left out in the cold
It's the same mistake
It's been a long time running
It's been a long time running
It's been a long, long, long time running
It's well worth the wait
- The Tragically Hip
well, what to say about, in my opinion, the single most important artist in Canadian music history. They are truly poets. Their music has the power to inspire, their stories bring wonder and awe to young and old. Go to any local bar, tavern, pub, or other licenced drinking establishment in Canada on kareoke night and if you choose one of their songs, you'll have the whole place singing along with you. Ive had the incredible oppourtunity to see them live, twice. And it was one of the most moving experiences of my life.
The Gentleman Who Fell

Having so much time alone makes it a lot easier to reflect on one's emotions. Ive discovered its easier to lie, and put on that brave face. What dreams may come? Ive truly discovered that depression really is anger without the enthusiasm. I want to burst out from myself, and scream at the top of my lungs. I have no road map for the path im on now. lost. Hopefully there's enough light left in my life to show me the way home.
The Power of Music

Certain kinds of music have the power to pull an inner curtain aside, so to speak, so that we become temporarily aware of parts of ourselves which are usually inaccessible. What is experienced in these moments is a rare opportunity to feel something at a more ethereal level. Being a music geek, I cannot tell you how many times I'll hear a song, and it either has me bursting out laughing or uncontrollably sobbing, be it from the lyrics or its association to a particular memory. So, I've decided that I'm going to throw some posts in about songs or artists that I personally want to give a shout out to. Why? Because I can! Lol, its my Blog!
"Be Yourself"
Someone falls to pieces
Sleeping all alone
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
To finally drift away
Someone gets excited
In a chapel yard
Catches a bouquet
Another lays a dozen
White roses on a grave
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
Someone finds salvation in everyone
And another only pain
Someone tries to hide himself
Down inside himself he prays
Someone swears his true love
Until the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united?
Healthy or insane?
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
And even when you've paid enough, been pulled apart or been held up
With every single memory of the good or bad faces of luck
don't lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything will end up alright
You may win or lose
But to be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
- Audioslave
So, I have loved this song for a long time and I really believe Chris Cornell is one of the most incredible song writers of our time. He's been a relevant part of the music industry for 3 separate decades, has had success in group settings, and with a solo career. The frontman for Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog, and Audioslave. Love his music! Lol, and I'm sure if he asked, as Kevin Smith so poignantly said, "I'd take a shot in the mouth!" lol ;)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ouch. And not the good ouch. The shitty ouch.
I've been disconnected from my trailer so I can travel between the hotel and the lease location. We're finished up here on location, and so I had to "dolly on" to the trailer. Well, on the trailer, there are things called "dolly legs" they're like the kickstand that holds a trailer up when there's no tractor under it. And. There's a crank to raise or lower these legs. Well, I had gotten all connected up, and was just getting ready to lift those up. I grabbed the handle, and there was quite a bit of tension on it, so I bore down and put some muscle into it. Well, I was wearing gloves. Greasy gloves. The handle slipped from my hands and whipped around. Normally, not a big deal. Unless, like me, you happen to have your face in the way of that metal handle that's whipping around. It was moving so fast I didn't even see it until my right cheek stopped it in its tracks. Like I said "ouch" not to mention a few other choice 4 letter words that may have been uttered.
Lmao, if you've seen the movie "Tommy Boy" with the late Chris Farley, there's a scene where David Spayde smokes him with a 2x4. He points at his face and says "it hurts, not up here, and not so much down here, but RIGHT here." pointing at a big red mark on his cheek. Lol, that's how I feel right now.
"We are either kings or pawns of men" - Napoleon Bonaparte
I'm sure with google its a matter of seconds before you figure it out. But, I guess such is the world we live in!
Well, take care all!
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” - James Dean
I'm tired. Not just sleepy, I feel old. Worn out. Like the world is in the process of chewing me up like over cooked meat. The days string along like paper dolls, hand in hand as separate entities, but, inevitably still connected eternally. Its nice sometimes, I do have fleeting moments of joy, sleeping in on a day off, seeing a particular piece of countryside that speaks to me like a good book, hearing a great Stewart McLean story on the CBC's Vinyl Cafe (today at noon mountain time!), moments of peace or anger, or motivation, or heartbreak while hearing a moving piece of music.
These moments are few and far between. I want to feel like a boy again. The curiosity and wonder. The feeling of play. The ecstasy of youth. It seems like I haven't had that feeling of wonderfully chaotic excitement in too long.
Well, now that I've thoroughly depressed you all, lol, I'll take my leave of you. Keep smiling! ;)
The sun'll come out tomorrow,
Bet your bottom dollar that
there'll be sun!
Just thinking about tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs and
the sorrow till there's none.
When I'm stuck with a day
that's gray and lonely,
I just stick out my chin
and grin and say:
Oh! The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you got to hang on till tomorrow
come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow,
you're always a day away!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow,
you're only a day away!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow,
you're always a day away!
- Lea Salonga
Fly the Aryan skies. Not.
I urge you to take some time out of your day and go to and watch the archived episodes 106 and 107. Another example of a large corporation with too much power, trying to beat down the little guy. Please make mention of this if you can, and show this company that this is the kind of actions that the public will not tolerate.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
"you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view." —Obi-Wan Kenobi

I was chatting with a good friend on msn this morning after leaving work, as they don't need me out there right now, and we had a really nice short chat about life and whats going on with things right now. Some of you may read her blog, as it has been mentioned in The Globe and Mail, the book "the Peep Diaries", "the Walrus" magazine, CBC Radio, and she's been nominated for years for numerous Bloggers choice awards. Thats right, i cant believe it either, i'm friends with a famous person!!!
So anyway Im talking to Padme
and she decided it was time for her to head out and do a post. A few moments later, she came back on and asked me if I, little ol me!, would like a Star Wars name???!! Dude! So cool! She asked what one i'd like, and I told he she could choose, and, wouldn't you know it, she chose the COOLEST character for me! Obi-Wan Kenobi!!! AAAAAND, she mentioned me on HER famous blog!!! BAD ASS!!!
So I want ALLLL of you who read her to go here
and vote for her!! GO! NOW!, I'll wait!!!
now that youve gone and voted (not voting is a spankable offence!!) i'll let yall enjoy and bask in the glory that is padme and Anakin/Darth Vader!!!
still freaking out here!!!! lol woot woot!!
I'm half the man I used to be. This I feel as the dawn. It fades to grey.
Little b went to Realm last night, been following her tweets and chatting with her. Lol, sounds like she had fun! I wish I coulda gone! It sounded like so much fun!
I am gonna be taking the leftover 4 feet of lexan rod and cutting it in half when I get home. I am gonna polish it up and make a handle for the 2 of them. One I've promised to b, she really enjoys it! And the other, I'm not sure. I have a 3 foot one still, that I'll be cutting down to 2 and a half, and I want to give the extra one to someone who will get some good use out of it. Any takers? I plan to make a nice handle, but I haven't decided how or with what. I was thinking about picking up some leather and making a nice braided handle, but I've never done that before and I'm not sure how. I was thinking of maybe using some nice red twine too, not sure how that would work out tho....any suggestions? I may even hold a contest or something with the prize being the homemade cane and a homemade paddle and maybe some other fun home made toys! Thoughts?
Adam: What are your qualifications?
Betelgeuse: Ah. Well... I attended Juilliard... I'm a graduate of the Harvard business school. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. I've seen the EXORCIST ABOUT A HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN TIMES, AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT... NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT YOU'RE TALKING TO A DEAD GUY... NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK? You think I'm qualified?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
"No one plans to take the road that leads you lower."
Your Decision - Alice in Chains
Time to change has come and gone
Watched your fears become your god
It's your decision
It's your decision
Overwhelmed, you chose to run
Apathetic to the stunned
It's your decision
It's your decision
You feed the fire that burned us all
When you lie
To feel the pain that spurs you on
Black inside
No one plans to take the path that brings you lower
And here you stand before us all and say it's over
It's over
It might seem an afterthought
Yes, it hurts to you know you're bought
It's your decision
It's your decision
You feed the fire that burned us all
When you lie
To feel the pain that spurs you on
Black inside
It's your decision
It's your decision
No one plans to take the path that brings you lower
And here you stand before us all and say it's over
It's over
Time to change has come and gone
Watched your fears become your god
It's your decision
I can't help but feel some connection to what he's singing about here. I have sent out applications and resumes to dozens of places, and knocked on doors and pounded pavement. I've talked to a whole bunch of friends and family looking for some kind of backdoor way into a new career. I feel like now that I'm at the age I'm at now, I've become stuck following the path I've fallen into. I feel doomed to look to my past and wish I'd made some better choices, and now that I've made the wrong ones, my road to nowhere is set. I guess I'm having another melancholy day in a lifetime of them, with only the expectation that I have countless more to come.
I had a rough night last night. Everything seemed to be going well yesterday, and even got off location early, headed back to the shop to wash and found out they didn't have the info in the next job yet. So, I didn't get to load any product till around 5PM. Got home around 7:30 and I was gonna call b, but ended up crashing pretty much as soon as I walked in the door. I'm looking forward to getting my T4 so I can do my taxes and find out how much of my hard earned money ended up in the pockets of the Canadian gov't. Lame.
I saw that b was inquiring about acquiring a lexan rod on her twitter yesterday, and because I have so much extra, and I'm not really usin it at the moment anyway, I told her she could have it under a condition. I didn't tell her what the condition was tho, lol, just cause I know it drives her batty not knowing! ;) he he he I'm such a brat!
I said on twitter this morning that I haven't been blogging very often, and I need some motivation. I feel like in the doldrums I'm currently residing in, I've gotten complacent with many areas of my life. I've put on a bit of weight, started smoking again :(, and I'm not blogging or trying to better myself very much. Even though I'm a Dominant, I feel like my life could benefit very much from someone to give me a good lickin now and again to keep me in track and focused. Not to mention the sexual frustration I'm feeling as of late! God damn I need to roughly fuck someone! Lol.
Well, back to the grindstone! Take care all!
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it' is the slogan of the complacent, the arrogant or the scared. It's an excuse for inaction, a call to non-arms."
- Colin Powell